~ Chapter 19 ~

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Optimus' Pov

I was just now returning to base from patrolling. Magnus was leaning on the wall recharging, I suppose. Our Agent is sitting on the floor. Her optics are pink?

Optimus~ Ratchet, why are our Agent's optics pink?

Ratchet looked at me with a confused look.

Ratchet~ What?!

He went over to check the Agent's conditions.

Magnus~ Well sir. She's obsessed with me. And I don't have a clue why.

Obsessed with the Commander. I would never think of that. Well, I have forgotten about earlier that she had to different emotions on her faceplates. . . . Now I'm thinking that they might be sparkmates. But, that is none of my business. I watched Ratchet carefully untie the our Agent. I am ready assist the Medic, if there is any problems with the Agent. I am surprise that she didn't fight Ratchet. I hated to fight a fellow teammate when they want to get revenge or is trying to kill/hurt another mech or femme on the team. I want to know why did Megatron take our Agent away from us? And what did the Commander do to get this treatment of little revenge from Nightstar? More and more questions pop into my helm. There are many answer that need to be found.

A/N: Sorry for a short chapter. Just want tell you that I have wrote a second storyline like this one, but is version B. Has some of the same chapters. It will get better over time. Will be working on this storyline and the other one.

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