Chapter 49

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Shockwave - Lord Megatron, I do believe that you can control a living Cybertronian that has a dark energon going through their systems. Especially, tested ones.

Megatron - If I controlled the dead with dark energon...

Starscream - My Lord, don't you think that will waste your energon source just using your mind to control someone else?

The Seeker question the Scientist theory of the dark energon being use to control living Cybertronians. Megatron and Shockwave looked at Starscream.

Shockwave - It was illogical of you to speak while the leader is speaking.

Megatron - Surely, I could test it on you to see if it works.

Starscream - Please, Lord Megatron. Have mercy on me.

He got down into a kneeling position. Begging for mercy. Not wanting to be the test subject to see if the Scientist's theory was true or not.

Starscream - W... W... We can test on the Autobots. T... T... The ones that we had work with us. Just spare me, Lord Megatron.

The Seeker was a stuttering mess. The Leader of the Decepticons rolled his optics and walked over to his throne.

Shockwave - Your pleading was illogical. Yet, testing it on Ultra Magnus and Nightstar is logical.

Megatron thought about it first. Controlling the Commander and Agent could have a slight chance of the Decepticons win the war. He can rule Cybertron with few slaves. It wasn't a bad idea after all. His evil grin crawled on to his face.

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