Chapter 42

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It has been a few hours. The Agent was floating in the air without her boosters. Wheeljack hasn't taken his optics of her.

Nightstar - You know it's really rude to stare at a femme like me.

She put her servos behind her head, then move in a circle. Not looking at the Wrecker.

Wheeljack - Well, Sunshine. Someone has to keep an optic on you.

Nightstar - It's not like I'm going to strike. Just minding my own business. Chilling, which I shouldn't be. But, hey! Just wanted to see if the cure will work before leaving y'all behind and possibly never coming back. As the Agent of the Primes, my duty is to keep the Prime safe from dangers. If I die, that's the end. The Prime is on his own. Plus Wrecker, I'm supposed to show up at the right time anyway. Things are not going as suspected.

She turn her helm to look at Wheeljack. Optimus came forth.

Optimus - And if everything goes well? If the Autobots win the war.

The Agent looked the Prime in his optics.

Nightstar - If everything goes well, Autobots defeat the Decepticons. You earn the good ending, which I don't know what it will look like. Everybot in this base does what is needed to restore Cybertron. And they live happily ever after. For me... Poof. Gone.

She answered the Prime's question.

Bumblebee - { What do you mean by "Poof"?}

The little scout asked.

Nightstar - It depends on Primus. Become a whole new Cybertronian, won't remember anything. On another mission. Be at Primus' side until I'm needed again. Who knows. Don't worry about me kid.

There were the sound of heavy ped steps. Everybot looked at the doorway of the Med-bay. Magnus stood there with his right servo on his helm. The Commander was in his full colors and had his sky blue optics. Bumblebee and Smokescreen raced over to hug him.

Smokescreen - Sir, we're so happy that you are back to normal.

The Commander gave the rookie a questioning look. He was not understanding what was going on.

Bulkhead - Sir, how are you feeling?

Magnus - I'm fine, soldier. Just confused.

The scout and rookie release from the hug.

Optimus - Glad your back on the team, Commander.

Magnus' and Nightstar's optics meet. The connection between the optics was cut short. The Commander's faceplates started to heat up.

Nightstar - My job here is done. I'll be at your assistance, if I ain't die yet.

She left the base. Magnus was right behind her. He grabbed the Agent's left servo.

Magnus - Where do you think your going, Agent?

Nightstar - I'm going somewhere that is far from here.

Wheeljack was eavesdropping on the two. The Commander soften up a bit.

Magnus - You've forgotten about me didn't you?

He asked.

Nightstar - Of course not Maggy. Why would I? Everything we've been through will not be forgotten. Suck it up and do your job. If anything happens to us, we both serve with honor.

She said. Magnus let go of her servo. The Agent placed both servos on the Commander's cheek plating. Pulling his helm down to her height. Nightstar lay her forehelm against Magnus' and then pull away.

Magnus - What happened to me? It felt like I was in stasis for a long time.

Nightstar - I think you should talk to somebot else. I don't know myself.

She kissed him on his lip plates. Magnus wasn't ready, his face plate turn a deep blue due to the blush. Quickly pulling away and transforming. The Commander watched as his love flew away and out of sight.

Wheeljack - Lovebirds.

Magnus whipped around real quick. Scaring the living soul out of the poor Wrecker. Anger was shown on his face plate, blush had already faded away. The Commander chased Wheeljack into the base. Wheeljack earn himself a lecture.

Ratchet - It seems that the Commander is back to his old ways.

Optimus - Indeed, Ratchet.

The Prime agreed with his old friend.

Wheeljack - I rather have Doc throw a wrench at me than have to be lectured.

He mumbled under his breath.

Magnus - What did you say, soldier? I couldn't hear you. You were mumbling.

The Wrecker sighed.

Wheeljack - It was nothing, Sir.

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