Chapter 1

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It's wedding time and two people are standing on alter and saying their vows with heavy hearts because one of them don't want this marriage and the other never think this day will come in his life because he always dreamed to be with him who he loves but this is not how he wants their marriage. But the other has to accept it because his parents forced him to marry him, who he never love.

"Jeon Jungkook do you take Kim SeokJin as your husband." Priest asked

"I do," he said firmly.

"Kim SeokJin do you take Jeon Jungkook as your husband."

"I do," he said softly.

"Congratulations you both are husband and husband now."

"Kim SeokJin now kiss your husband."

He bend forward to kiss his husband but he take his face away and he smiled awkwardly, then he get near to his ear and whisper "Jungkook see everyone's eyes are on us so it's better to not let them know you hate me huh." Then Jungkook sees around then stops to move away from him. Then he just gives a kiss on his cheek softly and gets back quickly.

Jungkook was disgusted with kisses but didn't do any wrong moves so others don't think wrong about them and their families.

But still, All people noticed his behavior and think he is not happy with this marriage and they are forcing him like those others were talking about.

But Jungkook's parents were getting angry because of their son's behavior that how he can embarrass his parents in front of others how can he do this. They know that their son is stubborn but he behaves like that in his marriage. They're seeing the scene carefully but didn't say because they don't want to create a fuss in front of guests.

They both come down from the stage and greet their parents with their fake smiles and meet their friends, they congratulate them for marriage and give them blessings for happy married life.

The ceremony ended and they started to go back to their house. Their parents go into their own houses and Jungkook sits in Kim SeokJin's car a backseat because he doesn't want to sit with him. SeokJin sit in driving seat and started the car to go to his house. They don't say a word in the whole ride and Jungkook gets bored, so he fell asleep on the way home. After some minutes of driving, they arrived. Then SeokJin stops the car in front of his apartment. He comes out of the car then goes to the back seat opens the door and sees he was sleeping.

"Hey." He calls him but no movement

"Wake up." He again didn't move because he's a heavy sleeper and doesn't get up till someone shakes him to wake him up.

"Hey wake up we already reached home get up." Little louder but he still didn't move then he try to wake him from his hands, then he shake him, then he move and sit straight and asked "What?"

"We've already arrived, I was waking you up for a few minutes but you didn't move so I think you just want to sleep in the car." he chuckled.

"Hey you don't try to lay a hand on me, I already have enough for today so don't try to get on my nerves and move away, so I can get off the car." Shoo, shoo he waves his hands like he is moving a dog from his way.

He pull the car door and bent down like he bow and make a way for him  "Please sir you can come out."

Jungkook just gets out of the car but he's getting irritated because of his behavior he doesn't like it. So after that, he just straightly go to the apartment door to open it but it was locked.

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