Chapter 60

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One Week Later

Jungkook is in his room laying on the bed in his memories and doesn't know how to get himself back to the life where he will have to live without Seokjin he just doesn't want to face everything not now. He is not ready for now it is a tough time and his loss is so big to just come back to his life. He is now like a dead person who's taking a breath but his soul is dead with him. He is just a corpse who is not died naturally but unfortunately, his entire soul died. His reason is his love his everything died so why he is still alive? Just why?

Then a knock on the door broke his trance of thoughts and said. "Yes?"

"It's your mom Jungkook can I come in?" Asked behind the door.

"Yes please why are you asking?" He replied coming to open the door. Though he doesn't lock the door but still he wants to open the door for her. She enter his room and he again went to his place and sat down on the bed.

"Jungkook how are you feeling?" Mrs. Kim asked while sitting on the edge of the bed where he is lying for the last whole week. He is weak, his face pale and not able to stand on his feet always feels dizzy whenever he tries to take a step or try to leave the bed.

"Mom, how can I feel?" He asked in a miserable state. She was also in a bad state because after her son's death. She was not looking refreshing and looking sick.

"Jungkook I know what you are feeling this time but try to come back to life not for Seokjin not for yourself but for the little one who is taking a breath in you." She said trying to console him.

"Mom it's hard for me but I'm trying." He said helplessly.

"I know son of what pain you're going through. I know it's not easy but you wouldn't like when you lose your kid because of your carelessness and so Seokjin will feel bad.

So try to understand and try to come out of the room and talk to others so you can feel you are alive and take a breath of fresh air. It's not that hard and try to eat proper meals. If you will always stay in this condition so it would be bad for the baby's health." She is trying to make him agree for eating food.

"Here." She hand him the plate of apples and he took it from her hands and take a slice in his mouth. She ruffle his hair and said, "Good now finish this plate and after this, I'll take a glass of milk you should drink it okay?" He nods and she gets off his bed and quit his room.

Jungkook finished his apples and put the plate on the nightstand. And take a frame from the nightstand of Seokjin's. He stroked his hand on the frame with love and longing. He is yearning to have him beside him. He wants to feel his presence his scent his touch his embrace where he can feel safe and relaxed. He wants to tell him he is eight weeks pregnant and wants to see his reaction. But he is no more with him he would never know what Seokjin will be feeling after knowing he is going to be father. That's so heart-wrenching. He was crying tears rolling down to his chin, his face wet, his eyes red and swollen and he is shaking because of weakness. He is so much in pain he can't do anything other crying about his loss nothing else. But he is happy after knowing he is pregnant but sad because Seokjin is not with him to share his happiness with him. He wants to know about his feelings always. Because he knew Seokjin would know he was pregnant he would be on cloud nine after knowing he is going to be a father. What he will do? Or how he will face everything without him? He is not strong enough to take care of himself.

Then a maid knocks on the door he wipes his tears and put the frame beside his pillow. He responded, "Come in." Then a maid enter with the tray of a glass of milk and he said while towards the nightstand. "Put it here." She put it on the nightstand and ask "Do you need anything else Sir?" "No, you can leave." He said she bowed and flee from his room.

Like one month passed and he didn't come out of his room Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok and Yoongi come to visit him but he refused to see anyone because he just doesn't want to meet anyone. Only Jimin, Mr. and Mrs. Kim are allowed to enter his room. Today Jimin is in Kim Mansion to visit Jungkook because he wants Jungkook to come back to his life he doesn't look up to see his friend his brother like this.

Jungkook is laying on the bed sleeping actually not his room is dark because of lights are off and the curtains are closed not letting any kind of light enter his room. It's been like this for one month he doesn't open the curtains of his room, he doesn't on the lights and doesn't go out of the room and stays in his bed like a lifeless person who's forced to take a breath he can't take his life because he knows his and Seokjin love is taking breath inside him and he can't let anything happen to his unborn kids. He loses his appetite, he doesn't eat much just for the sake of medicine he takes two or three bites of the meal.

Jimin moves toward his room and sits beside him on the chair and calls his name. "Jungkook!" Jungkook is lying just closing his eyes not sleeping and knowing Jimin is here but he ignored his presence even his calling.

"Jungkook!" he calls him while shaking him with his shoulder to see if he is awake or really sleeping. He opened his eyes and his room is dark so he is relieved to not want to see any light on. "Jimin what's your problem?" He asked him with an annoyed tone.

"You are my problem Jungkook will you please come out with me."

"No, I'm not interested in going outdoors." Jungkook denied.

"Jungkook my friend please you have locked yourself up for one month in this room are not you getting exhausted from this distressing environment try to come and are not you afraid of darkness and staying alone in this room?

Please Jungkook everyone is worried about you. They want to see you like before I know it will be tough to be like before but still you can come out of your you can have a meal with your family and friends. This is not too much to do or I'm not forcing you for anything but still think about Seokjin he wouldn't like to see like this and you don't care about your unborn child who's taking breath this can cause problems in your pregnancy. Don't dwell in grief and try to convince yourself for coming out of the room will you please endeavour to do this for me for the sake of your Seokjin, your unborn and Seokjin's family who consider of as their son?" jimin is trying to convince Jungkook but he is obstinate who never listen to others just do what he wants to.

"Jimin just give me time i'll try to come out of the but for some time let me do what I want to do. Now you can leave if you spoke what you want to inform me," he said and signalled to him to leave him alone. So Jimin without saying departed from his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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