Chapter 2

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SeokJin's apartment is not big not small, it's big enough for two people. There's a living room when you enter from the door and there's a TV on the front wall and there's a kitchen behind it. There's a small dining table in the left side corner of the living area. It has two bedrooms and one is on the left side and the others on right. Kim SeokJin opened the lock of his apartment and Jeon Jungkook was standing beside him. Jungkook pushed SeokJin aside and enter indoors quickly and he just quickly want to go to his room. Because he was very tired and sleepy don't want to lose his precious sleep because of some marriage nonsense.

"Hey wait," SeokJin called him. JungKook stopped on his way to go to his room.

"I want to tell you something please listen."

"Whatever you want to say I don't wanna listen, don't want to see your face for now so let me sleep peacefully cause I'm so sleepy, so tell me later whatever you want to say." He yawned because he was sleepy and also tired because of today's wedding. "Okay." Then he goes to the right side to go to his room.

SeokJin just watched him enter his room and he just can't what's he trying to say. He just can't do anything about it, because from now on this is his life and he has to tolerate Jungkook's behavior. He just already has to accept his fate. He then goes to his room, he entered his room, go to the cupboard take his nightclothes, then go to the bathroom to take off his clothes then take a shower, wear night clothes and then come out of the bathroom and lay down on his bed and drifted in sleep because it was a very tiring day.

Jungkook come into his room to take his comfy clothes from close, then he take his clothes off, he didn't take shower, he just wears some comfy clothes for the night lay down on his bed, and then fell asleep.


SeokJin get up with the sound of the alarm then get up from his bed and move to the bathroom, to take shower to wear his clothes, and come out of his room, there was no one so he straight goes to the kitchen and make breakfast for himself and also for Jungkook. He knows that Jungkook is sleeping so he let him sleep because today they have no office.

JungKook POV

I get up and try to search my mobile and see the time it was already 10 a.m. I get up quickly and see my room it was white paint and the furniture was dark brown and I don't know where I'm but after a few seconds, reality hit me that yesterday I got married and Now I am in SeokJin's apartment.

I take shower and go to the dining room and sit on the chair at the dining table and ask for my breakfast, then I remember there's no maid. Then SeokJin come out of his office room  and asked "What you need?"

"Where is my breakfast I am hungry," I asked with an irritated face.

"Here, I make breakfast for you may I reheat it for you?" He asked.

"Yes." He then goes to the kitchen and puts food in the oven then after 5 minutes he
comes out of the kitchen with food in his hands and places it in front of me on the table. Then he goes back to the kitchen to take two cups of coffee and then one gives to me and the other he place on the table sits on the chair in front of my chair.

I clear my throat to get his attention. He then raise his head from his coffee asked "What?"

"You want to talk about something yesterday."

"Ahh, nothing."

"Okay. But why you didn't go to the office huh?"

"It's just today is the first day after our wedding so I take a day off."

"Oh! really."

"No it's weekend and so today is off, do you forget huh?" He just chuckled raised his eyebrow like he forgets today is Sunday.

"Ahh no. I didn't. Whatever just tell me what you want to talk about.

"Hmm, I-it it's about our marriage life." SeokJin stutter.

"It's just nothing and you don't have to think about to make it work. Because I'll leave you soon SeokJin."


"What more you want to talk about huh?"

"It's just about who will do house chores and make food, we can share our work."

"So who do all these works before your marriage."

"Of course, I did it, why?"

"So you'll do it."

"But you know we can share our workload right."

"No don't ever think I'll help you to clean this house or make food for you, because I never did it before and will never do for anyone. Understand."

"Yes, I understand."


"And one more thing."

"What?" SeokJin asked.

"You'll never interfere in my life, where I go when I come back home, and whatever I do," JungKook said in a stern voice.

"O-okay b-but m-may I ask for one favor?"

"Ask what favor you want."

"W-we h-have t-to....."

"Just fucking say it SeokJin, I don't have a full day to listen to you." He shouted at him. SeokJin get flinched, with his loud voice and his coffee fell on his lap which he was holding in his hand and his sweat pants get dirty bcuz of coffee. Then he put coffee cup on table and stand from his seat.

"I-i'm s-sorry Jungkook. I have to go to clean this."

"Okay just go."

He then left from here, to go to his room. I started to eat My breakfast it get cold in all this shit, but I then finish my cold breakfast and I just leave my dishes on table, then I get up from chair and get back to my room. I enter in my room and lay down on bed and I saw time on my mobile it's 12 pm then I fell asleep.

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