Chapter 51

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Jungkook's father died seven months ago. He misses his dad and living with his mom for a week now. After his father's death, he spent more time with his mother because he doesn't want to make her feel she was alone he cares for her and love her so much. He lost his father, he can't lose his mother too. That's why he lives with her most to take care of her and her health cause after her husband's death she's really depressed and become a patient of depression. She even does not take her medication on time so he hires a nurse for her to take care of her but he also comes from time to time to check if she is doing well or not.

"Mom take your medicine." He is sitting in his mother's room. She's sitting on the bed with her back taken to the bed back and Jungkook is sitting on the edge of the bed on her legs and giving her a tablet to eat it. "Here take it, mom." He put the tablet in her hand "Or do you want me to feed you huh?" She grab the medicine and said, "I'll take it by myself." She takes the medicine.

"Good, now you rest I will come back to check on you and don't forget to take medicine on time mom." Jungkook takes her mother's hands and holds and soothes her hands. "Don't do this I can't see you in this condition mom. How I will live if you also leave me? I lose my father but I don't want to lose you to mom." He was crying also his mother can't control her tears anymore. She cry with him and both hug and cried together.

"Jungkook you know I have spent 30 years of my life with your father. After his death, I felt like I'm not alive I am just breathing I look alive but I'm dead from inside."

*I know mom how much you love dad and he also loved you. But he'll not like to see in this condition his soul will be in pain if you will hurt yourself. You have to live for yourself for me and for the people around you. Mom I can't see you like this I feel pain it hurts to see you sick mom."

"I will because I can't see my son sad cause of me. I will come back to life for us."

"That's like my mom." He kissed her mother's forehead and get off the bed.

"You take rest and I have a meeting I will leave but I will come soon."

"Okay take care."

"I'll and you too." Jungkook leave the room and went to his room.

He cried after seeing his mother on the bed she is pale sick look like an alive corpse. She is in sorrow so much after his father. Jungkook wants to see his mother return to life like before but she loses her hope to live more.

After fifteen days Mrs. Jeon's condition is getting worse she is admitted to the hospital for a week Jungkook is with his mother and Seokjin and his parents are also in the hospital with them to give backing Jungkook because he is alone in this and they was with him all the sadness and sorrow.

Jungkook everything will be alright just try to calm down."

Seokjin how I can relax after knowing my mother is dying and I can't do anything to save her? How I can relieve myself? Seokjin she is my mom."

"Jungkook please don't cry nothing will happen to her. Just pray for her long life."

The doctor came out of her room and said to Jungkook. "Mr. Jeon your mother wants to meet you."

Jungkook ran to her room and where machines are attached to her and took a breath through oxygen his eyes were red because of crying and still tears fell from his eyes he takes slow steps towards her bed and stand on her bed and grab her hand in his hands her eyes close.

"Mom your son Jungkook is here open your eyes, mom. Talk to me didn't you call me to know so why you have closed your eyes."

She opens her eyes slowly and looks at him with teary eyes. "Jungkook come sit here." she points him to sit on the bed with her. He sits on the bed beside her.

"Mom, please be healthy for me." She takes off her oxygen mask and Jungkook try to stop her but she said no.

"Jungkook I can't help my time comes when you will be have not us in your life but you have such a lovely and nice husband and he will always take care of you and when you will have kids with him you will be completely like after having you our life get complete. You should think about having kids with him.... "

Her breath is getting heavy she is having a problem breathing her lifelines on the screen are getting irregular.

" Mom don't speak please!"

"Jungkook let me finish first Seokjin is such a nice person and I know he will take care of you and his parents are also very nice. You don't leave him and spent your life with him and try to please him and do something for him that he likes. Jungkook I love you and don't be sad when I will not be here for you to acquaint you with anything. So you will comprehend everything by yourself promise me you will not do anything wrong and live a happy with your husband."

"I promise mom but don't talk about leaving me, I love you, mom." Jungkook said sobbing.

"I love you too Jungkook......" Her hand fell from his hands he froze his mother is no more "MOM!" he scream. He closes her eyes and strokes his hand on her face. He went out of the room and run to Seokjin who is standing outside and seeing through the glass.

"Seokjin my mother leave me she is gone." Jungkook hugs him and Seokjin hugs him back he is crying hard and Seokjin also can't stop his tears from him sad. "Jungkook just relaxes or you will get sick your mom will be happy there she is free from the pain she went through."

"Jungkook don't cry or you will get sick just think of this as God's choice and you pray for your mother's peace in her afterlife." He told.

Jungkook bury his face in his chest and cried out his all grief.

Three days after his mother's funeral he and Seokjin are going back to their house today. He looks around his mansion which gets empty after his parents passed away now he has no one will be in the house where he spent his entire life. With his childhood and his memories with his parents now all reasons to come here ended with his parents.

"Come Jungkook we should go and it is dawn we will get late for the house."

Jungkook went out of the house with Seokjin they hop in the car and Seokjin drive the car to the house. They arrive after two hours in their house.

Jungkook went to his room and changes his clothes into comfortable pyjamas after freshening up he lay down on the bed.

"Jungkook eat something you haven't eaten anything properly for four days." Seokjin came into the room and said after seeing Jungkook's lights off and he is composing his figure under the comforts of sleep.

"I have no appetite. Just let me sleep."

"Okay take a rest for a while I will make dinner and wake you up after I cook us dinner."

"Okay." Jungkook close his eyes and Seokjin went to the bathroom to freshen up and left the room to go to make dinner.

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