Chapter 59

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"How is Seokjin why doctors are not saying anything?" Mr. Kim asked Namjoon. "He is in ICU for three hours and there's nothing they tell us about his condition." Mr. Kim asked with panic. Namjoon said Uncle please relax just wait Doctor will be coming. Then the ICU light off and the door of the ICU opened and the doctor came out. Namjoon run to him and asked, "What happened Doc how is the patient?" The doctor look at him with sadness and then, at last, he told him "Sorry Sir we can't save your patient." He put his hand on his shoulder and then left. Namjoon after hearing the news was in shock that he even forget what he heard is true. Seokjin is no more that's what he never expected in his life. What he will say to his father he is not ready to face him for telling his son is no more. He has died. Those words are so hard to say and he is scared how Mr. Kim will react.

Then he takes a step forward to him and looks at him his face showing how sad he is and how much in pain. Namjoon calls Mr. Kim. "Uncle Seokjin..... he stops he is not strong to tell this news. "Why are you not anything why did you stop midway what Seokjin huh?" Mr. Kim asked him hardly. "And why are you crying? Say something my heart is bursting Namjoon. What Doctor said." He asks so many questions and he can't answer his single question. "He is no more." He said without pause and Mr. Kim felt his heart stop he put his hand on his heart. "Uncle please sit." Mr. Kim can't believe in his ear what he heard is not true right? Namjoon tell me you are lying right? He can't leave his parents his husband no he can't do this with us. Mr. Kim shook his both shoulders then he was getting weak Namjoon help him sit on the chair.

Then a nurse came and said, "You can take your patient's dead body and please pay the bill." Namjoon nod. They pay the bill and take his dead body by ambulance to Kim Mansion. Kim was not in the state to say anything or do anything because he lose his young son his support his everything how he can bear this much pain? This is a big loss for them.

"Taehyung why do you call me here?" Jimin asked after getting out of the room and standing on the place with the stairs.

"Jimin Seokjin leaves us," Taehyung said tears in his eyes.

"What do you mean Taehyung?" He asked confoundedly.

"Seokjin is died and I didn't tell you in the because of Jungkook how he will react after hearing his husband pass away." Jimin was already crying and Taehyung also have tears in his eyes but he didn't let them fall. Taehyung hugs Jimin and rubs his back to soothe him. He breaks the hug and said. "You go to Jungkook and look after him and I will go to Auntie and see Namjoon and Mr. Kim is coming." "Hmm." He nod and went back to Jungkook's room. He sees he is again asleep he covers him with comfort and sits on the chair beside the bed.

Morning time Jungkook open his eyes adjusting to the light. Then he opens his eyes fully and rubs them to see clearly then again starts to call Seokjin when he finds he is alone in the room and no one is there. Seokjin! Seokjin! He is calling him then he gets off the bed his headache is now less and he is feeling a little better he went downstairs to call Seokjin then he sees everyone wearing black suits Seokjin's picture is placed in the centre he can't understand what is happening here. Then Jimin runs to him after hearing his voice. He sees Jungkook hair messy eyes swollen and red and his clothes totally messy. His condition is so bad to come out of his room. Jimin asked while coming to him. "Jungkook what happened?"

"You should tell me what is happening here?" He said while pointing to his surroundings.

"Jungkook you go to room." Then his eyes fell on the coffin where is his husband in but he has no idea. "Is someone died here?" Jungkook asked confoundedly pointing towards the coffin. Jungkook it's Seokjin is passed away.

"Jungkook say you are kidding how can you say these words? Don't you have a sense you can't joke about someone's death?" Jungkook scold him but still, his words broke even though he is not believing him. His eyes blur because of tears which already red and swollen because of yesterday. Jimin put his hands on either side of his shoulders.

"Jungkook I'm not kidding and how can I say this bad news like that? He is not with us anymore Jungkook he is passed away." Jimin said though he doesn't want to but they can't hide the fact that his husband has died. Jungkook who was trying to control his tears broke down he fell on the floor and Jimin gave him support. He is screaming and calling his Seokjin. Then he sat with his coffin saying with tears rolling down his cheeks. His heart is exploding and he can't take this much grief.

"Seokjin you can't leave me. You can't do this. Seokjin please come back. You know I'm pregnant don't you want to become dad please Seokjin don't your kids. How can leave us? Me and your kids don't you love me? You said you will always stay with me. Seokjin!" Jimin is making an effort to take him away from him but he can't do anything. Jungkook is not willing to leave him.

All people who see Jungkook in this condition and who were there for his funeral and they were feeling bad for Jungkook because he lose his husband who he love so much.

Then people came to take his coffin to the graveyard. Then Jungkook is not letting them leave he is running behind them when they take him out of the Mansion. Jungkook is running behind them like crazy and then Jimin and Taehyung come to him to support him. Then he fell and fainted. They take him to his room and other side everyone does the last things bury him then they come back home.

Jungkook didn't get consciousness after many hours. He was still unconscious lying on the bed. He is not waking Jimin was with him full time. Because they can't leave him alone and he can't go to the funeral and even wasn't at his burying time. How much he is in pain. How much this time is hard for him. Only he knows from which misery he is going through and his sufferings are always written in his life. He has to encounter everything solely on and no one will be with him. Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim come to his room to check if he is fine, and then they went back to their room. Jimin is staying here with Jungkook in his Taehyung went back to his room because they have kids who they have to look after. They were staying with their neighbours but they can't leave them with them for long so Taehyung told him to stay with him and he will go back home for the kids. Jimin is lying with Jungkook on the bed and looking at him how he is not waking up from when Seokjin's news got in his ears. How he will live without him? He is worried about him. He can't do anything thing for him like this. He has never seen Jungkook like this in so miserable state. It felt like he lost his life and the reason for living that's why he doesn't want to ever open his eyes. Jimin touches his cheeks. He said while caressing his cheeks. Who is sleeping without caring about his world? "I can't do anything for you but I will pray for you Jungkook you get peace in your life but I know you will be strong enough for you and your kid." He kiss his forehead and then he turned on the other side of the bed and after a few minutes he fell asleep. 

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