Chapter 35

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I prepared dinner and set the table and now sitting on the chair Jungkook came back just a few minutes ago and now he's in his room to freshen up and I'm waiting for him to have dinner together. Then Jungkook appears in the dining room and sits on the chair across from me. He's wearing a black t-shirt and black sweatpants to get comfortable. I have already changed my clothes I am also wearing a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. After that, he served the meal himself and i also put food in my plates. After finishing dinner I put dishes in the kitchen and wash them. After closing the kitchen i went to the living room and Jungkook is also here sitting on the couch and TV is on and a movie is on TV. Then I walked to the couch and sit next to him.

"Jungkook how was your day?" Jungkook took the remote from the couch and switch off the LED. And turned to his side to look at him and answer him.

"It was good." he's looking really good in black clothes.

"Oh! were you fine? didn't feel any pain or somehow any type of sickness?"

"Yeah, I'm totally fine don't worry."

"Okay but don't indulge yourself in too much work because you are still not fully recovered."

"Okay, I'll be careful. Thanks for being concerned about me and caring me when I was injured."

"Huh?" i was surprised how Jungkook thanked me like really or am i dreaming. There's so much in his demeanor during this time.

"SeokJin what do you think about what we talked about."

"I think I need time but it's better to decide already and I have made up my mind."

"What really and what you want?"

"If you really want to give another chance to our marriage and you hope we can live like happily married couples so I am okay with you." his face shines like he's really happy when I said to give chance to our marriage. I think he started to feel like he's getting interested in makes to work this marriage. I'm happy to see him like that. I always wanted him to care about me and our wedding.

"Are you a serious man like you forgive me for everything, even abort our unborn child," he asked with confusion. I can understand that he thinks it's not easy to forgive someone but I think it's easy when you love someone you can forgive his all mistakes if it's big or small.

"Yes, Jungkook I was mad at first but it was not only your fault but also mine because I have to be careful. it's our mistake and we didn't think about what'll be consequences."

"Yes, but still I was wrong." He was looking disappointed with his behavior.

"Yes, but I am not agreed with one thing."

"What about?"

"You didn't tell me about it. I have the right to know about it didn't you think because I was another father of that child."

"I'm sorry for that I didn't tell you but in the future, I'll never let this happen."

"And you'll share everything with me your problems or whatever the matter is. If anything happens in the future you'll tell me before anyone. do you promise me Jungkook?"

"Yes, i promise you." They both hug each other tightly and didn't leave each other. They feel each other warmth the first time, it's the first time they hug with feelings of love. Today they both are happy to have each other side. To gain their trust and can understand and feel each other love for the first time in this Unwanted Marriage. It's like a dream for both of us we never thought we'll be happy with each other and can love each other but now it's happening in reality that's real, it's not a dream. We break our hug.

"Okay go to your room and have a nice sleep." he nods and we stand up from the couch.

"Goodnight SeokJin."

"Have sweet dreams." he smiles at me and runs to his room. I also went to my room and lay down on the bed on my back and looked at the ceiling and thought about what happened a few minutes ago it's unbelievable but it happens and sometimes thinking about Jungkook he fell asleep.

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