Chapter 49

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Everything is well after that time Seokjin and Jungkook didn't talk about this matter again because it's not good it'll only bring sadness and distance in their relationship so that's better to not talk about the matter which distance between each other. Seokjin is an understanding person so he'll not force Jungkook for anything for his happiness because they can live happily without kids. Not all married couples become parents so he is complete with Jungkook he doesn't need someone or even kids in his life for his happiness.

Their second wedding anniversary coming in two days. That's why they're going to their parents' house today because they want to spend time with their parents. Jungkook is sitting in the passenger seat and Seokjin is in driving seat driving the car. "Jungkook!" He was looking outside of the car window he turned to him and asked. "Yes?" "Well, you are okay na?" Seokjin asked. "Yeah I'm but why're you asking me." Jungkook answer. Nothing I just felt like you're spacing out a lot so I think is something bothering you.

"No there's nothing I'm just thinking if our parents asked about kids then what will say?"

"You don't have to think about this. I'll handle our parents." He put his hands on Jungkook's things to cure him he's with him. He's not alone in anything. Seokjin gets back to driving.

They arrived at Seokjin's parents' house. Their parents are waiting for them in the living room and they went to his parents in the living room.

"Hi, Mom." Seokjin went to his mother and hug her.

"Hii my son how are you? I miss you soo much you don't have time for your parents."

"Me too mom." Seokjin leave her mom and went to his father and hugged him.

"Jungkook come to your mom." She spread her arms for him to come to her. He came forward to her and hug her.

"My son, how are you doing? I miss you both so much."

"I'm doing a good mom. I too mom."

"Seokjin my son you are really busy meeting your parents."

"No dad it's not like that. There's so much work in the office so I don't have time to come home."

They sit on the couch Jungkook with Mrs. Kim and Seokjin with his father on two couches.

"Lara go take tea and snacks for Young Masters."

"Yes, Madam."

"Seokjin and Jungkook congratulations on your company getting to a higher position in Korea. This is because of both of your hard work."

"Thanks, father we always wanted to make our company big in Korea and that is happening after we collide our companies."

"Yeah, you guys are such an example for young people to be successful at such a young age."

"You are flattering us, dad."

"Okay, that's enough Jungkook what about your parents? How are they doing?"

"They're are doing a fine mom."

"Good I'm thinking to invite them here for dinner for get together. We all will be together after a long time."

"Suite yourself mom."

At Night

Jungkook and Seokjin's parents are sitting together at the dining table having dinner.

"Haven't we met after a long time?" Mrs. Kim said.

"Yes, It's a long time since we have to get together at the same place." Mrs. Jeon said.

"So what you both have planned when are you coming to our house huh?" Mr. Jeon asked.

"We'll come tomorrow to your home dad," Seokjin said.

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