Chapter 17

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"Hey Hyunseok." Mrs. Jeon call her husband. They both are sitting in living area and having evening time tea and snacks. She have cup in her hand and take a sip of it.

"Yes." Mr. Jeon answered

"We force them to marry to each other and what if Jungkook don't want to live with SeokJin so what?"

"I don't think so, I think Jungkook like him."

"But I don't think so."

"Do you remember his condition that when Jungkook left him. I don't want to see my Son again like that."

"I remember but I believe he'll make him fall for him."

"I hope so. He loves him so much and I hope one day Jungkook also love him like he do."

"Yeah hope so."

"He already suffered so much I don't want to see him again like that."

"Yeah no one want to see him to suffer again."

"We want his happiness and want to see his kids."

"Yes he deserves all love and may he get it."

"Yes." He take a snack from plate which is placed in center table. In other hand he has cup of tea.


"What?" Jungkook asked with confusion. He stand up from floor and then other also stand up. Now they both are standing in the center of living room. Game was still on, they forget about it and throw their remotes.

"I said I love you Jungkook."

"I also love you."

SeokJin was surprised he also loves him but other didn't think in that way of love he thinks he is telling him as a friend.



"Do you really love me?"

"Yes as a friend, brother I love you."

"But I love you Jungkook not as a friend or brother, like how boyfriends
and girlfriend love each other." His eyes get all round with his confession.


he didn't know what to do or say so he slapped him. His cheeks burn because of slap was hard, his cheek get red he put his hand on his face where he slap him.

"Are you got mad, what are you talking huh? who do you think you are to tell me you love me I don't love you and can never. I never think of about you in that way."

"I-i  k-know b -but I love you and can't live without you." He stutters because he was scared to say more but he already said it, so he tell him.

"I don't fucking care Kim SeokJin just get out of my house." He yell at him, his tone was harsh.


"Shut the fuck up and get lost from here before I loose my control on my self. I don't want to see your disgusting face again. Just get lost." He scream at him, his face was red because of anger and his tone was hardh. He pushed him out of his house door.

"Jungkook please......." He was begging eyes were filled with tears and cheek was red where he slapped him.

"Go away just go away." He pushed him out and closed the door on his face.

He was banging on door but he ignore him. Don't want to listen his any word. He just confessed his love not did something wrong but other is behaving like he did something wrong or do misbehave with him. He knew he'll react like that but he didn't imagine his response will be worse, or he will hate him.

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