Chapter 30

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Yugyeom was in his office at his table doing work on his laptop when he felt someone tap on his shoulder. He turned to look at the person who's the one who tap on his shoulder.


"Oh, Bam." He was standing behind his chair.


"Have a seat please." he motioned his hand to sit on the chair beside him.

"Okay." he settles down on the chair.

"What brings you here?"

"I have mailed you all information about Jungkook check it out."

"Okay, I really appreciate your efforts."

"No need for formalities you are my friend so I did it for you."

"Okay, whatever."

"So what are your parents doing these days?"

"They are out of the country for an outing and business trip."

"Oh, so you are alone at home."

"Yes, so what about you?"

"Everything is going well."

"That's nice to hear."

"Okay, I gotta go I have work to do and you know our boss will get angry."

"Yeah okay."

"Check it if you want any help. I'll always be there for you."

"Thanks for your help."

"Okay." he stands on his feet and left from here to go to his cabin, he gets back to his work.

Yugyeom open the file on the laptop and see the information about Jungkook he got shocked. he is married. how can he do this? he always said he loves me so how can he get married to anyone else. He's such a lyre. I'll make him regret what he did to me. What does he think who he is?


JungKook was grabbing his things from the table and was going to leave his office when someone knocked on his door.


"Sir." he entered the room and stand in front of him at the desk where's standing.


"There's an urgent meeting came you have to be there."

"What? Didn't I say to cancel all meetings for now because I have some important work?"

"Yes sir but they said they can't cancel it if you guys cancel we'll cancel the contract with your company. It'll be a big loss to our company sir."

"Okay call the meeting I will be there."

After some minutes the client came into the meeting room, he went to the room and met the meeting room.


On the other hand, SeokJin is sitting in a twilight restaurant to have dinner with him but it's already more than an hour he's waiting for him but he's not here. he is calling him but he gets no return call. He is getting frustrated because of his attitude. it's very bad to not attend the call and don't tell someone who is waiting for you.

2 hours later

After the meeting JungKook straight goes to the parking lot he pulls out of his car. He drives the car and after half an hour he arrives at the restaurant.

SeokJin is still in the restaurant waiting for him like the crazy person he is.

JungKook comes into the restaurant and sits at the table with him.

"Why are you late? I'm waiting for you for more than 3 hours Jungkook. You can tell me if you didn't want to come huh why do you always feel happy to humiliate me? Do you think I'm not human or your slave?" He said in frustration.

"I apologize for this. Because there's a meeting at the time I was coming."

"But you can call me or even text me. Please Jungkook give me value if not as your husband but as a human being. Because sometimes I also can feel bad."

"I understand and I'm sorry for that."

"You don't Jungkook and you'll never understand my feelings. Because I am nothing in your eyes."

JungKook's eyes widened because of his reaction. He never sees him like that. he thought 'what's wrong with him?'

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