Chapter 11

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They both arrive home at night. They were tired, but also happy they both enjoyed so much today. Everything was fine, go well today. SeokJin feel like their relation is getting better and he started to have hope that one day Jungkook will also love him like he do. But nobody knows what happened in next moment because this is life. They both go in to their own rooms and do night routine and fell asleep.


Jungkook was standing in front of mirror in dressing, setting his bow tie. It's wedding day and Jungkook was wearing white tuxedo, black bow tie and black shining shoes, he was ready to saying his wedding vows to his love Kim Yugyeom. And was very excited for his wedding but his excitement get in worries when he saw his Mother enter in dressing room with down face, she was looking like something bad happened.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked.

"Son don't over react to what we're going to say."

"What? Why're you guys sounding like something bad happened?"

N-no a-actually Yes its ... Its just Kim Yugyeom parents call us and tell he can't come.

He comes to his Mother and put his on her shoulders and asked with disbelieving. "What're you saying Eomma is not true, right? Right Mom."

"It's true son his Parents said he doesn't want to marry you anymore."

"It can't be true, he can't do this with me." His eyes getting blurry because of tears.

"You guys just wait, let me call him he'll be kidding or doing some prank, he can't leave me on our wedding day.

He then walk to the couch in the center of room and pick his phone from center table and dial his number.

But no answer. He again call him but still no answer. He call his parents.

She attended the call.



Where is Yugyeom? He is not answering my phone calls, not replying of even my texts. He was panicked can't make a word but still managed to say what he wants to say. His voice was shaking.

JungKook we can't come because of our, our son...... He can feel she's nervous and can't tell him what she wants to tell.

What's wrong to your son?

He can't not come.

But why? He asked in shock.

He said he doesn't want to marry you.

Its not true he loves me he can't say that, you're lying. Give phone to him, let me talk to him.

JungKook what we're saying is right he doesn't love you and don't want to marry you.

Auntie you...... She cut the call and he just break down, his mother come over to him and hug her and rubbing circle on his back to console him.

"JungKook just don't cry, he didn't deserve you, you deserve better than him. He was not worthy of you. Just forget him."

He raised his head from her shoulders and back off from her embrace.

"Wow what you think its very easy to forget someone, whom I love from 2 years. No its not easy Eomma, its not." He said little harshly he was hurt, because of what happened to him.

She again walk to him and hug him, he didn't back off, she was worried can't see her son like that "Jungkook just stop crying, I can't see you like that. I have only son and I don't want to see him sad"

She take him to sit on sofa and sit with him. He was sobbing hard and not taking a breath, he didn't want to listen anything for now.

"Eomma leave me alone, I want to be alone for some time. So you can go out of this room."

His mother got up from the sofa and left the room. He was just sitting there, trying to call him, texting him but no reply. He wipe his tears with hands and stop crying. He just spent an hour like this. Not even moving an inch from here.

Then his mother enter in the room, door was closed but not locked and call him, her heels were clicking on marble floor, but it didn't take his attention he was not knowing what's happening around him or someone enter in the room. She walk to the couch and stand next to him, then call him.

"JungKook" he was lost in deep thoughts he didn't hear his mother voice.

She put her hand on his shoulder to shake him. "Son."

"Uhh Y-yes." He jumped on couch because of sudden touch.

"Mom you scared me."

"Sorry to scared you Son but just relax and wash your face, you're looking mess."

He stand from his sitting place and stand face to face her. "Eomma why're we still here, when other groom is not coming so there is not gonna be any marriage, why we're not going back to home."

"No Son, we aren't."

"But Why?"

"Because today is your wedding."

"When he's not here then how I can Marry without him."

"Not with him but someone else whom you know from many years."

"Are you got mad Eomma, why I'll marry with another person then him.
When I was getting married with him. If can't Marry him then I'll not Marry with someone else."

"But he is a good person, he likes you and will make you happy."

"Ohh Really then who is that person, whom I going to get married with?" He asked with taunt.

"Kim SeokJin."

"Are you serious Eomma? I'm not even come out of one shock and you are giving me another big shock of my life. I'll never marry that person. And its final." He said rudely.

"We'll see." She patted his shoulder.

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