Chapter 24

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Bam Bam was the one who took him to the hospital after the accident and he didn't let the doctor inform his parents he said he is his family and will inform them so he convinced them to not inform his parents. It's like today luck was on his side and he didn't get married to Jungkook. Because he likes him and they were going to get married if he doesn't come between them so they're now happily married. So he is satisfied to know that he can't marry him anymore because he got an accident. The next day he tells doctors to inform his parents about his accident because they'll be worried about him or can report to the police so it'll be bad. The next day he left the hospital before his parents arrived at the hospital because he didn't want to face them.

"Dr. who brought him to hospital." Mrs. Kim Iseul asked curiously.

"Mr. Bam brought him hospital."

"Dr. when he had an accident?"

"In the noon, why do you guys not get informed?"

"No, but Mr. Bam said he'll inform you guys about him so we didn't."

"Oh! it's ok we'll ask him and thank you doctor for saving our son's life. We're very grateful." Mr. Kim said.

"It's our job as a doctor so you don't have to thank us and pray for him to gain his conscious soon." The doctor pats Mr. Kim's shoulder and leaves the room.

"Why he didn't tell us about his accident?" Mrs. Kim asked.

"Possibly he doesn't want to worry us. You just calm down he can have other intentions yes?"


"You just take care of your son, no need to trouble yourself for meaningless things okay?"


Bam Bam comes into the room Mrs. Kim is sitting on a chair beside Kim Yugyeom's bed. He approaches her and greets her. "Morning Auntie" she look up at him and said. "Son you." she stood on her feet and walk him to the couch at the end of the room. She tells him to sit down. He obliged and settled into the couch. take care of him and he tells his parents "I didn't want to worry you for him and it was his wedding day he can't come. I'm sorry for this."

"It's okay son. we can understand you'll be worried for him or in this tension you forget to inform us right?"


"you don't have to apologize anymore ok."


"That's like a good boy, we're very thankful for you to help our son you brought him to the hospital."

"I didn't really help him it is everyone's responsibility to help with the problem right, I'm glad to know  he is safe and sound."

"Okay you'll help us in taking care of him right you're his best friend and we know you love him. I also want him to marry you but he didn't listen to us

and was going to marry him but maybe fate has other strategies for him. You came back to his life again maybe this time he accept your love."

"I don't think so Auntie, if he regained his consciousness he'll again ask for Jungkook."

"If he asked for him it'll be no use because he's already married to someone."

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