Chapter 21

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Jungkook was first to wake up, bcuz he slept very soon at night. Then he do his morning routine and then he go to kitchen to make breakfast for himself. He then finish his breakfast and go to his work. After some time SeokJin get up, he then check the house But there's no one in house so he get upset. Bcuz he didn't even share a word with him from two days. Didn't even tell him about his hospital tour. What happened? So, he just shrugged of his bad feelings then get ready for his work. He then make breakfast, after finishing it he go to his own work.


After some minutes of driving SeokJin arrived at his work place. He then call Jungkook but he didn't pick up. He try many times but he didn't pick. So he just give up. Then he messaged him to ask.

Are you at work?

But no reply. So, he just give up he get back to his work. Put the phone on desk but still time by time seeing at mobile screen maybe he call him back.

Jungkook was busy in meeting and his mobile was on silent so he didn't know about his phone is ringing so he can't reply. But after 3 hours when meeting end, he get back to his office room, then he take his mobile out of his pocket, then he checked his mobile there's 20 missed calls from SeokJin and some messages. His phone ring so he attended the call because he was calling him for many times.





How're you?

Why were you calling me?.

To confirm if you are ok?

Now you confirmed it?

No why you didn't tell me about what doctor said and how are you.

Don't fucking try to interfere in my life. and one more thing I'm not coming home. So don't wait for me.


Because.... why I'll tell you? He didn't answer but instead question him.

Ok don't tell me I'm sorry for asking? But you know what I'll miss you when you not at home.

I don't care about how you feel, I fucking hate you.

But I love you.

Ok bye. don't call me again, I will do it myself when if I have to ok? Is that clear.



bye See Ya. He said little sadly.

He then end the call and get back to his work. After that he go to have lunch with Taehyung and Jimin at office cafeteria. Now they're sitting on chairs and eating Raeymon and Kimchi with cold drinks.

"How're you Jungkook?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm fine now."


"But why you get sick. What's doctor said?"

"It was just cold."

"Oh thank goodness you're fine now."


"How's your husband?" Taehyung asked.

"He's also good."

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