Chapter 54

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Last Day in Thailand

Seokjin is sitting in the park after a morning walk and thinking about what he do for his husband. Today is their last day in Thailand so Seokjin has made some plans for Jungkook. Because tomorrow morning they have a flight to Korea. 'Why don't we make it a memorable day of our lives.' he thought. He wants to do something for Jungkook to make him delighted.

At Night

Jungkook and Seokjin are in a hotel room when Seokjin give him a suit. Jungkook take it from his hand and looking at asked confoundedly "For what?"

"For you and you will know but i want you to wear this dress for me. This is my gift for you."

"Thanks," Jungkook said he take out the clothes from the package and his eyes lit with happiness and Seokjin understand he likes the dress. so he asked for his confirmation "Do you like it Jungkook?"

"I don't like it" on this Seokjin face down and Jungkook can feel it he placed on his cheek and caressed it. "I love it." Seokjin put his other hand on his waist and pulled him closer by his waist. Now Jungkook hand before on his face is on his shoulders to steady himself and Seokjin grabs his waist with both hands today they are free from workload so they can just enjoy eachother presence and feel at ease in each other's arms. Jungkook put his hands around his neck and both can listen eachother heartbeat which is getting high because of how close they are then Seokjin put his lips on his. He can feel Jungkook's getting hot his face flushed red. Then he opened his mouth to and he put his tongue in his mouth. He also returned his kiss after some time they feel short of breath Jungkook tap his back to release to which Seokjin take his lips off him.

They both stare at each other and talk with eyes. They are staring into each other eyes quietly but their eyes say so much.

"Jungkook we are going somewhere tonight so I want you to wear this dress."

"But where?"

"It's a surprise you will know just do as i say."


In the evening they both get ready for Jungkook to wear the dress Seokjin gives him and Seokjin also wears a new dress.

Jungkook is wearing a white silk shirt and white tight pants. His hair was on his forehead. Seokjin is wearing a black cotton shirt and black pants. They both are looking handsome.

When Jungkook came out of the bathroom after showering Seokjin's breath hitched after seeing Jungkook who's looking breathtaking. He just wants to devour him right here but he has to wait for tonight. He comes close to Jungkook and said in his ear in his husky tone. "You are looking beautiful Jungkook."

"Thanks and you are also looking handsome." He said and kiss on his cheeks and push him aside and start to make his hair.

Seokjin drives them to the beach. He opened the door Jungkook was blindfolded because he wants him to wait for the surprise. Jungkook was questioning and asking him to take off the blindfold but he said please be quiet it's a surprise you will see just wait ok

So Jungkook relax he helped him to come out of the car and walk him to the place.

"How much do I have to wait huh?" He asked while putting his hands on his blindfold.

"Just one minute we are here." He assured him. He stopped walking and take off the blindfold. Jungkook open his eyes slowly to adjust to the lighting after the long time blindfolded. His eyes shine with surprise he likes what he saw. There was a place set for two people a round table in the centre and white dishes and black covers and wine glass and red wine placed on it. Different dishes like kimbap, pepero, crab and kimchi. And white net curtains around his four corners and lightning it's making it beautiful. And roses and lilies are placed in the centre of the table in a black vase.

Jungkook was astonished after seeing his husband do everything for him. He was feeling special and some kind of precious person who his husband wants to cherish and devour him with love. He was on cloud nine.

"Do you like it?" Seokjin asked him taking him out of the trance.

"Yes, i love it."

"I know you would like this it's the first time after our marriage I did something for you. I always wanted to show you how much I love you but I was scared and I knew you didn't feel the same for me.

You were, are and will forever be special Jungkook. For me, you are my everything my whole world." He said his eyes glittering with tears. A tear escaped from Jungkook's eye and he wiped it with his thumb tip and join their forehead.

They stayed in this position for a few minutes then they both sit at the table and drink and feed each other. After that, they both went to the room he prepared with the help of his colleagues. The white covers and candles liting the area making the romantic environment and roses petals spread on the bed.

Then Seokjin pushes Jungkook onto the bed and hovers over him their body temperature is increasing and their heart is beating is high. Jungkook lay on his back on the bed and Seokjin hover over him and start to kiss him and Jungkook thought tonight is going to be long.

Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim sit in their son's house to meet them after some time. They think about giving them a visit. They talk about the Thailand trip and everything about how they are doing.

"Jungkook are you doing fine?" Mrs. Kim asked.

"Yes, mom."

"We know you lose your parents is a big deal but we know our son wouldn't let you feel alone." Mrs. Kim said.

"Yes he is always with me i come over their loss. But of course, I miss them sometimes because they were my parents." Jungkook said.

It's two days before they come back from Thailand. They go to work and come back and give time to each other. Their lives going in sequence. Everything is perfect in their lives which seems fake. How did everything go so smoothly without anything for some months? Jungkook is scared of how life can sometimes scare us even though it's going according to how we want to live our lives. Everything seems so unrealistic it is so hard for Jungkook and Seokjin to believe they are actually living dreamy life. Who everyone wants to live. But not always we can stop the time and live in those beautiful moments forever.

Jungkook and Seokjin are in the car driving to the restaurant where they have met up with their all friends. After a long time, they would have got to gather. Hoseok, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin have already arrived at their spots so Jungkook and Seokjin are also near their destination.

After a few minutes they arrived at the restaurant, they greet them and sit on their perspective seats. Yoongi and Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung, Jungkook and Seokjin.

"Jungkook and Seokjin you guys are back from Thailand," Hoseok asked.


"So we have met after a long time," Jungkook said.


"How's your kids," Seokjin asked.

"They are good." Hoseok and Jimin said.

"Good where you leave them huh?" Jungkook asked.

"We leave them in daycare so we can have time for adults," Hoseok said.

They chatted about their kids about work and how they didn't meet for a long time. They miss each other. They have dinner and want to watch a movie they went to the cinema for a movie. They spend six hours together and then went back to their houses.

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