Chapter 19

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It's one month passed, after coming from trip. There relationship get worse not good. They both are distant from each other because of what happened in Hawaii. Jungkook attitude is not change towards him. He is still rude and stubborn. It's morning time SeokJin was first to wake up and made breakfast and Jungkook is still sleeping in his room. He then go to his room to call him, he go to the bed and see Jungkook is sleeping, he didn't want to disturb him but he reach his hand to move hairs from his eyes. When he touch him he feels his skin is hot. He then touch his forehead and see he has fever. He opened his eyes slowly and feel headache. He asked him

"What are you doing here?" but So he asked him.

"What happened are you not feeling well?"


"You have high temperature."

"Yes. I have headache and fever."

"May I call doctor?"

"No need, I'll take painkiller and med for fever it'll be gone. So don't worry."

"Ok you sit here I take your breakfast."


Then go out of room to go to kitchen to make some porridge for him. He then go to bathroom for brush his teeth and wash his hands and face and come back and sit on bed. Then after 2 minutes SeokJin come in the with tray and put on bed in front of him. Take a spoon of hot poridge blow it and give a sip to him. He didn't take a bite from his hands, spoon full of soup was in his hands, try to put it in his mouth but he didn't open his mouth. SeokJin raise his eyes and

said "Hey."


"Open your mouth.

"I can eat with my hands."

"But you have fever."

"That's what I'm trying to say I have fever not disabled arm. So I can eat."

"It's fine. I feed you."

"I said I can eat so give it to me." He snatch spoon from his hands and soup fell on SeokJin clothes but he didn't care. SeokJin didn't move he is still sitting on the edge of bed in front of him and didn't get up to change his clothes on which poridge fell.

"Ok." He then give spoon to him and he eat his soup. SeokJin was sitting and looking at him while he was eating. He takes two bite he felt he is want to throw up but he quickly get up the bed and run to the bathroom to throw up. He then sit near the toilet and put his hands on its seat and face in toilet and throwing out what he eat. Then SeokJin go behind him and put his hand on his back and rubbing it.

"Hey are you alright. Do you need something. I think you have to check the doctor. You are not looking well."

"No I'm fine. It'll be fine."

"Are you sure."

"Yes, I'm not weak." He stand up to go out of the room but can't because his body was weak.

"I'll give you support to take you to your room." He put his hand on shoulder and he put his own hand on waist.


"Ok As you say. I'm not going office today I'll stay at home so I'll take care of you."

"No you go I'm old enough to take care of myself."

"But you're sick and can't even stand so let me take care of you ok."


3 days pass like that, SeokJin don't go to his work and take care of him and do everything for him and tell him to go for check up but he didn't listen to him and don't go to doctor for check up. but now his fever is gone but he's nauseous and headache is still here. He started to go to on his work. SeokJin tell him to not to go, but it's who never listen to others and do what he wants to do. But SeokJin drop him to his office and tell his friends and Yoongi to take care of him bcuz he's not feeling well. Don't give any work to him. He was in his office, but after some time he call him to ask his condition but Jungkook was getting irritated with his behavior. He doesn't like him and don't want to listen him.




Here I'm sitting in my office on my leather chair and I'm not feeling well I have headache and nauseous. When I eat I throw up, I don't know what's happening to me. Its 3 weeks I'm feeling like that. I think it'll get better but there's nothing getting better. I started work after that because I can't take days off from office because there's so much which I have to do. Then my phone ring. I pull my phone from desk and see call I'd It's SeokJin.



Why you call me huh?

Er... To ask you if  you are feeling well or not? because you were not fine when you left the house.

Yes. How many times do you want  to ask me how I'm feeling and how many times I have to tell you huh? Don't call me again and again. I have work to do, I have no time to reply you again and again. So stop disturbing me. I shouted at him.

Er... I-I'm s-sorry. I'll not disturb you again. I was just worried about you.

You have no need to worry about me just leave me alone and don't call me. Just fuck of.

Ok bye take care. I then end the call  and put hardly my phone on table with anger.


On the other side Seokjin is sad, he was sad not bcuz Jungkook talk to him like that but for Jungkook's condition he is not getting well and not going to doctor for check up. He then call his friend Jimin to take him hospital. He call Jimin after 20 seconds ringing he picked up the call.



How are you?

I'm good and you?

I'm also good. I call you for something.


Are you free?

Yes why?

Can you do me a favor?

Which type of favor?

Can you take Jungkook to hospital he's sick from 3 weeks but he's stubborn and not going to hospital for check up.

Yes. I can.


No problem. I'm also feeling he's not fine. I'm his friend I can help him.

Thanks again. Bye

Then bye.

He then end his call, put his mobile phone on working desk and get back to his work.

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