Chapter 9

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They both enter the room. There's a king-size bed in the room Jungkook take off his shoes and lay down on the bed and SeokJin was standing then he go to his closet and take his nightclothes and go to the bathroom take shower and come back with clothes and then see Jungkook was already asleep then he goes to the couch, lay down on the couch and then fell asleep.

It's morning time the sunlight comes in the room and falling on Jungkook's face and hairs was on his face, then SeokJin comes out of the bathroom, he walks to the bed and see his face for 2 minutes and then he reached his hand to remove the hairs from his face, he wakes up he moved his hand back and sit quickly on the bed "What?" in husky voice because of sleeping. He get up from bed and stand next to him and asked "What're you trying to do?"

Then SeokJin started to get near him, Jungkook was getting back, his back hit the wall then he come near to him and bend to his level and said in his ear.

"Nothing, I wasn't trying to do anything. If I had to do something I would have done it long ago.

I was just trying to move your hairs from your face which was disturbing your sleep. Because I don't like if someone or something disturbs your sleep." He tuck his hair behind his ears, smirked at him.

Jungkook was blushing because of him. He then just leave him there like that, then he go downstairs and called his mom he saw his mom is coming from the kitchen with a tray to put them on the go to his mother hug her and greet her.

"Good morning Eomma." He said with a smiling face.

"Good morning son." His mother said with a smile.

"What happened son, why're you smiling on your own?" She asked worriedly.

"Nothing Mom." He said.

"What you make for breakfast?" he asked his mother.

"Your favorite food son." She smiling.

"Thanks, Mom." He said.

"Where's Jungkook?" She asked.

"He is taking a shower Eomma he'll be here in some minutes."

Jungkook was shocked about what happened now it takes time for him to come back to his senses of what SeokJin just said. He walks to the closet and takes SeokJin's hoodie and sweatpants from his closet. He then goes to the bathroom to take shower brush his teeth and go downstairs and see everyone was already sitting at the table, they didn't start eating now. He greets his in-laws.

"Gud morning Papa"

"Gud morning Mom." He said

"Gud morning son." Mr. And Mrs. Kim said.

He sits next to SeokJin and then he put food on his plate. They all eat quietly then

"How's work going in the office." Mr. Kim

"It's going good Appa and we have got a new contract and it will be finalized in some days so after that there'll be some free time I have so We think then we both can go on honeymoon. What you think Jungkook are happy aren't you." He said looking at Jungkook and smirking.

Jungkook just rolls his eyes, and about the honeymoon he doesn't want to go on with him. But he has to what he can say and do. So he agreed.

"Y-yes. I'll also be free so it's ok we can go next week." He said nervously.

"Then it's final so you guys are going but where do you both want to go?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Where SeokJin Hyung says." He said

"Oh Jungkook tells us where you want to go, we want to know your wish?" Mrs. Kim said with a smile.

"No, I haven't any idea about it."

"Ok, So SeokJin what you say?" Mrs. Kim asked.

"I don't know, I also haven't thought about it so you guys pick on your own then we'll just go." He said.

"Ok so as you say. I'll take care of your trip so you guys start your packing." Mr. Kim said.

They finish their breakfast after that they go to the living room. They all sit on the couch and started to watch the news. After watching TV for some time, then they both go to their room and change clothes because his parents said them to go somewhere for enjoyment. So they decided to go to Park. After that, they both get ready to go to the park together. It's 1st time they are going somewhere together. SeokJin was optimistic but Jungkook was not looking delighted because SeokJin wasn't that person with whom he wants to spend his life.

Then they both come out of the room and meet his parents then left the house together.

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