Chapter 29

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JungKook was sitting in his office leaning on the chair and thinking about what SeokJin wanted to talk about. Curiosity is eating him what is so important he wants to tell him to want a special time. What's the matter? He has no idea what other's wanna talk about. He is waiting for tonight impatiently. He settles on the chair and leans forward at the laptop to do his work because today he has too much work to do because Jimin and Taehyung are not here to help him with his work so he has to do it on his own for being on time.


Evening Time

Seokjin and Yoongi are both in his office when he asked him for going to the bar.

"Yoongi why don't we go to the club to get wasted?" he asked him out of the blue.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, why you asked?"

"Because I feel you are not."

"I'm okay I just want to have a drink. to ease my pain."

"Which type of pain?"

"I'll tell you just go with me please." he pleaded.

"Okay if you insist."



AT Bar.

They both are sitting at the bar at the counter on a stool and have red wine,

"SeokJin how is everything going in your household."

"Everything is going well, for now."

"Oh, that's nice to hear."

"Maybe it's nice or not I don't know."

"Why? Are you not happy with him?"

"No, yes, or whatever you assume?"

"What kind of excuse is this man?"

"Just leave it. What about you and Hoseok?"

"We're doing well like anyhow."

"That's great. When you guys want to extend your family."

"We're not ready yet he's always busy in hospital so he doesn't have time and we didn't have to discuss it now."

"Oh! You're literally a forbearing person with your husband you never complained about his being always occupied and don't spend much time with you and not even his lack of attention. I'm very impressed with the level of your patience.

I wanted him to like me but not anymore. I also want to be unselfish like you and never want to protest against him for his apathy and for not giving me time. He despite me. I think I'm not a good person like you."

"No, he is not like that. He gives me time and loves me and we spend time together there's no lack of attention or communication between us."

"What he gives you time and love you?"

"Yes, we love each other."

"What are you saying SeokJin? Is he not giving you time and don't show any interest in you? Are you being serious?

Then how are you staying with him till now it's extremely difficult to stay with someone who is despite you? That's insane. You are really nice, you are living with him who doesn't care for you."

"I'm not nice that's why he doesn't love me or doesn't want to hear my name and see my face because I don't deserve him. He doesn't deserve a person like me, who he doesn't want."

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