Chapter 50

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Seokjin and Jungkook are in their room sitting on the bed on the other side. Seokjin is doing some work on his laptop and Jungkook is scrolling social media on his mobile phone.

"Seokjin!" Jungkook called Seokjin he lift his head from the laptop screen and look at him.

"Would you like to have a coffee?"

"Yes please."

"Okay, then I'll go to the kitchen to make us coffee." Jungkook get off the bed and went to the door when Seokjin stop him at the doorway.

"Hmm! Jungkook wait."

"Yes?" He stopped his step in the way.

"Jungkook wait I'll go with you."

"But why?"

"To make coffee together."

"But I can make it by myself why do you have to help me with just coffee."

"Cause I want to Jungkook can't I?"

"You can if you want to why I'll say no to you but wasn't you working on something have you completed your work?"

"Yes I was but my work can wait for Jungkook but we don't get much time to spend together. I want to devour every moment with you when I get free time for ourselves."

"Seokjin, why are you getting romantic all the time huh."

"If I will not get utopian with my husband then who do you think I will get romantic with."

"Seokjin!" he calls his name annoyed.

"Okay okay relax I will not tease you anymore come weren't you going to make coffee for us."

"Oh, I forget because of you Seokjin 'cause you engaged me in conversing with you." Jungkook walks to Seokjin and held his hand and drag him out of the room with him to the kitchen. Jungkook opens the cabinet and takes out the coffee beans Seokjin takes out the mugs and puts them on the shelf and stands on the shelf taking and looking at Jungkook who's busy making coffee for both of them. Jungkook asked "Sugar?" "No need for sugar just take a sip from my cup and it'll fulfil my lack of sugar." Jungkook just blushed and get back to pouring coffee into mugs.

He hands over the coffee mug to Seokjin and picks his mug in his hand. Seokjin take a sip of the coffee  Jungkook is looking at him for a response and but nothing came so he inquired himself  "How is the coffee?"

"Tasty, delicious."

"After all who make it."

"My husband Jungkook so, of course, it'll be tasty." Jungkook blushed and said we should get back to our room and finish our coffee in our room what did you say?

"As you say Jungkook I can't say no to you," Seokjin said and they both went back to their room with mugs.

Jungkook is walking into his room and Seokjin gets busy with his papers and puts his coffee mug on the study table. He sits on the bed and watches Seokjin who's very busy with his work.

Jungkook said, "Seokjin finish your coffee or it'll get cold."

"Okay, I will, you just take a rest."

"No, I will not sleep till you complete your work. I'm not sleepy yet I can wait for you to come over to the bed with me."

"Okay do what you think is right. I think we should sleep now." Seokjin said and put his laptop on the study table and start to type and review some papers. Jungkook is sitting on the bed and his eyes are stuck on Seokjin who is doing his work. Jungkook is dozing off Seokjin turn to see him, then he wraps up his work because he knows Jungkook will not sleep even his eyes are getting close to sleep but he wouldn't until he will go to bed to sleep with him so wrapped up his work without completing it because he doesn't want to disturb Jungkook because of his work. "Jungkook come we are sleeping." Then Jungkook lay down on the bed and Seokjin also lay down on the bed with Jungkook, he makes grabby hands to Seokjin to come into his arms. So they can cuddle, he comes close to him and Jungkook put his face in his chest Seokjin strokes his hair and Jungkook fell asleep in seconds. Seokjin is busy looking at him who's sleeping careless from this world.

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