Chapter 53

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Their plane landed at Bangkok Airport in Thailand in the evening they have arrived after a long flight. Jungkook and Jin came out of the plane with their luggage in their trolleys pushing their trolleys they came out of the airport and their manager is waiting for them in the car he wave to them to come here. They see him and went to the car he takes their luggage and put it in the car trunk and opens the door of the back seat for them to hop in. They climbed in the back seat and the manager sit on the passenger seat and the driver started the car.

Their car stopped in front of the large building which is the hotel where they are going to stay for a week in Thailand. The driver and their manager help them to take their luggage to their room. They went inside the hotel room which is dominated by white color everything is white its walls furniture and white bed sheets.

Jungkook and Seokjin enter the room and the manager left their room. They both lay down on the bed and sigh left their mouths. Today was tiring and they have to travel for a long time. Jungkook get up and take his clothes from the suitcase and went to the bathroom to get fresh. Seokjin also take his clothes and waited for Jungkook to come out in a few minutes he came out of the bathroom and Seokjin went to the bathroom.

After they call hotel service for dinner because it's getting dark outside. After that, they have dinner in silence just lovingly looking at each other.

After finishing dinner Jungkook lay down on the bed and Seokjin also join him after. He laid down on the bed and make grabby hands for Jungkook to come in his embrace. Jungkook get closer to him and he put his head on his chest and he put his hands in his hair caressing it slowly. He suddenly said his words catch Jungkook attention he tilt his face to look into his eyes. "Jungkook you know what I felt like I'm dreaming it is not true."

"What your mean huh what is the dream huh?"

"Like you are in my arms and being close to my heart and even we can feel each other heartbeat. It doesn't feel real."

"Seokjin why are you still not believing I'm with you in your arms? We are together like all couples."

"Yeah but still sometimes it's hard to find life can be so beautiful and perfect."

"Yeah, that's what I also think sometimes but there is nothing to worry about when we have each other. We will never leave each other side."

"Yes, I will always be with you in your bad and good times. Whenever you will need me you will find me beside you like a shield who'll protect you and save you from any harm."

"Yes, I know my husband will never leave me alone in any situation."

"Oh so now sleep because we have other work to compel in the morning." Seokjin strokes his hands in his hair.

They both fell asleep in each other embrace. They felt each other warmth they are blessed after a long time they belong to each other.

Seokjin gets up at seven am and sees his bed empty there's no one on the bed so he gets up quickly and starts to look for Jungkook. He checked the bathroom, outside and the whole room but he was nowhere and Seokjin felt his heart has stopped beating.

Then he heard the clicking sound of the bathroom door and Jungkook came out wearing his pant and shirt with the towel on his head drying his hair. Then his eyes fell on the bed where Seokjin is sitting and staring at him as if his life depended on him.

"Seokjin you are awake."

"Yes." He answer while staring at him Jungkook felt his eyes boring in him and he felt like his gaze was on him but restrained himself to blush and call his name. "Seokjin!"

"Yes?" He didn't move so Jungkook looked at him with questioning eyes and asked. "Why are you still in bed go take a shower or we will get late for the meeting and you wouldn't want that after coming all the way here you lost the project right?"

"Hmm." Seokjin just hmm.

"That'll be bad right?" He asked again.

"Yes." He simply replies.

"So get up now." Seokjin get off the bed and his clothes placed on the bed then he took a step forward to Jungkook who is combing his hair and standing in front of the mirror. He grabbed him from his waist Jungkook jolted because of his sudden touch. His hands on his stomach securely taking him in his arms put his chin on his shoulder looking at the mirror he can see Jungkook's face flushed because of Seokjin's bold actions. His hands rubbed on his stomach and he said in his ear.  "Jungkook you know what you would look very beautiful while carrying our kids. I want to see you chubby cause of pregnancy and then I'll call you my chubby baby. I can imagine what you would look like." He said while rubbing his clothed stomach Jungkook can feel his hot breath on his face and ear his ear red and his cheeks red blushing hard after hearing what his husband has thought about him.

"You are looking very eager to have kids?" He said while putting his hand on his hands.

"Yeah is there anything in wanting kids with your husband?" Seokjin asked while putting his face on his neck inhaling his fragrance after he just showered his body smell is so nice he loves the smell.

"No we can think about it," Jungkook replied looking down shyly.

Seokjin was surprised with his answer and turn him towards him with his shoulders.

"Jungkook look at me," Seokjin said while putting his hand under his chin lifting his face to see directly into his eyes and others on his shoulder. He looks at him in his eyes and Seokjin look at his face he is looking cute while blushing his face red like a tomato and his ears.

"What I heard is true?"

"Yes." He said shyly.

"Jungkook a-are y-ou- are you for r-real?" He was so delighted to complete a sentence without stuttering.

"Yes, I am ready now happy." He said immediately and surprise Seokjin more with his quick reply. He cup his cheeks and kissed his forehead and said "We will talk about this after our meeting." He nod and release him from his hold then Seokjin went to the bathroom to shower.


Jungkook is sitting with the foreign clients on chairs while Seokjin is standing with the LCD screen giving subtle details of his project on which they are going to work together in future.

Jungkook is peeping at him with heart eyes. He is admiring his husband's skills and his way of talking about his little details. It's the first time to consider his husband's subtle details. He is so much busy then blushes after remembering about morning scene. Jungkook remember where he is sitting when he heard Seokjin cough to take him out of his dreams.

He sits on the chair and said. "So guys what you thought about our project we want to start in two days because we are here for one week."

"Sir we can take you to the site so we can discuss more about this." Mr. Wang said.

"Okay so Mr. Wang and Mr. Maurer we can visit the site now but I would join you guys after."

"So we would go Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon we like to work more with you guys." They shake hands and left them alone.

"Jungkook today will be a long day so tonight plan to cancel." He said while getting near to him.

"Hmm. We should also leave Seokjin." He push him and went out of the meeting room. Seokjin smiles at his shyness. 'He looks cute when he's shy.' He thought.

After visiting the site, they have dinner in a restaurant and both came back to their hotel room. Both are tired and don't have the energy to stay awake or say something. They both take showers wear night clothes and lay down on the bed in each other embrace. Jungkook head is on his chest and Seokjin's hand is around his waist and the other is under Jungkook's head and legs interwind. He is caressing his hair and Jungkook's eyes get heavy after feeling so much love and care after a tiring day. He feels safe in his arms and feels so relieved like there's no burden on his shoulders. He feels in so ease while laying in his embrace like this.

"Good night Jungkook have sweet dreams." He kisses his forehead. They both fell into their deep dreamland.

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