Chapter 52

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Three years passed after Jungkook's mother's death and his father's death more than two years. Jungkook went to visit his parents' grave today. He misses his parents but after his mother's death he was dwelling in sorrow Seokjin was there for him to take him out of his sorrows and believe him I am with you and you are not alone in this. Jungkook understands no one can stop anyone who is gone. He changed so much after his parents' death. After all, he has to come out of sadness it's more than two years. He has a husband who is willing to go to any extent for his happiness so he can do this much for him.

It's more than five years of their marriage everything is tremendous in their lives. Jungkook and Seokjin are optimistic and living amazing life together. Jungkook also left his fears, obstinacy and ego behind to live an epitome life with Seokjin. Even he consented to have kids with Seokjin.

Jungkook and Seokjin today are having dinner outside after a long time. They are sitting across from each other on the window side table. Seokjin takes Jungkook's hand in his hand and puts his other hand on the back of his hand.

"Jungkook we are going to Thailand for a business trip also we will have our honeymoon."

"Oh, honeymoon."

"Yeah because our first experience honeymoon wasn't good so why not we develop new memories of our honeymoon."

"Wow, so you want to confront the feeling of honeymoon."

"Yes I want to sense how it felt to go on the honeymoon with the person you treasure and also he dotes on your back."

"So you didn't adore me that time."

"No, but you didn't value me. After seeing you for the first time there's not a single moment in my life I didn't adore you and think about you. You are the only person who are posses of my mind heart and soul. My everything belongs to you Jungkook. I want you to be mine like I have only right on you.

I want to make new memories with you we go on dates like newlyweds and go on honeymoon. I want to make every single minute memorable I spend with you." Seokjin caresses his hands on his hand. Jungkook is looking at him with heart eyes. He always desired a person who cherishes him and gives him esteem and he can't consider he has a husband like Seokjin who he always dreamed of.

"I'm so lucky to have you Seokjin as my husband." He stated and a tear escaped from his eyes Seokjin assume he asserts something wrong that's why Jungkook have tears in his eyes.

"Why are you crying Jungkook? Have I said something wrong? Are you okay?" He asked apprehensively manner he reached out his hand to his face wipe tears from his cheeks with his thumb and put his hand on his cheeks. Jungkook hold his hand and said to Seokjin "Why you are tensing you have not said anything wrong. These are the tears of happiness. I'm feeling like I am the blessedest person in the world cause I have a life partner like you." He presses his face in his palm and feels his warmness. His hands are warm in the cold weather which is enabling him in alleviating down.

"Seokjin it is already five years past of our marriage don't you think five years is a long time we are living together we have faced so many issues in our lives but our bond is getting assertive with time."

"Yeah, I still can't believe it's been five years flies."

"I really felt like I am getting old."

"Yeah, but I don't feel old because of you I feel like I'm in a teenage. Even though I am thirty-two years this year."

"Yeah, old man you really are old."

"Don't you dare call me old I am just five years older than you. Don't forget you are also getting old."

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