Chapter 25

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Bam Bam is looking after Yugyeom who's in a coma it's already 1 month past. His parents visit him daily and do his meditation on time everyone is praying for him he gets well soon. He is improving day by day and maybe in some days, he comes to his senses. Everyone is hoping for his good.

Bam Bam was all time there whenever Yugyeom needs someone on his terrible days or good days. But Yugyeom never understands his feelings for him. Bam Bam loves him and Yugyeom never loves someone other than himself. So how he can love Jungkook? How's that possible?

In three months Yugyeom gets back to his senses. His parents were there when he opened his eyes. It takes some time for him to come to his senses completely and can understand what's happening? He tried to sit up but his head hurt from a sudden move. "Where am I?" He asked he is still lying on the bed and attached to machines. Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim's eyes get watery because of happiness to see their son open his eyes after 4 months. It's a very delighted moment for them. Mr. Kim got out of the room to ask for the doctor.

"You're in the hospital." Mrs. Kim said.

"Why?" He asked in shock.

"Wasn't I getting married to Jungkook so why I'm here?" Mrs. Kim's face gets dull because of what she'll tell him.

"Son you take rest you're badly injured."

"What are you saying, Mom?"

Then Mr. Kim enter the room with the doctor and asked.

"How are you doing? Yugyeom."

"Doctor why I'm here tell me please." He pleads he gets up to sit in the bed his mother helps him to sit.

"Please explain what's happening here? Why I'm here and where's Jungkook?"

"Look son well tell you everything but you have to wait till you get home."

Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim take the doctor to another side of the room and asked.

"Doctor why he didn't remember what happened to him on his wedding day.

"It's because he just regained his consciousness so it'll take time for him to recover completely."

"So you guys have to be patient with him now he'll behave like that he'll get angry on little things and become short temper and also don't say anything which hurt him."

"Thanks, Doctor when we can take him home."

"In three days."

"Okay thank you so much, Doctor."

"It's our duty."

"Try to avoid to takes his name who's he asking about. Don't tell him until he gets better."



"Yes Son now what's the matter can you tell me or I asked him."

"You don't have to. Didn't I tell I'll tell you so be patient ok? You're my good son right aren't you?"


After three days he comes back home and Bam Bam was with him that day.

Yugyeom asked where's Jungkook but he didn't tell him anything. If he gets to know it'll be dangerous for his health.

One month passed and nobody tell him about his marriage Jungkook what happened to him? But he tries to take wrong moves like he said he'll kill himself or run away. But his parents lock him in the room and don't let him go outside or he'll try to do some crazy moves. But he gets his phone, and with his location, he tracks Jungkook and reached him. They tell him he got an accident and was in a coma for 4 months. After 2 months after coming back home, he understands his parents will not let him go whether he gains their trust he'll not go after him or do anything wrong with him so they let him go outside freely and don't put eyes on his any action.

End of Flashback.


"What? Why your parents didn't inform us about you?"

"What you didn't know anything?"

"No, we didn't."

"So you didn't even try to know?"

"How can you do this Jungkook don't you love me?"

"Yugyeom it's all unnecessary to talk about it."

"Why's it?"

"Because there's no use for it now."

"Why we can get back together again why're you saying it."

"No, we can't."

"Why?" He stood in anger and hit his hands on the table.

"What're you doing calm down everyone is looking?"

"You are telling me to calm down when you don't want to be with me. How can you say that huh? Tell me. You don't love me anymore."

He comes to him and stands him up with his shoulders and shakes him.

"Yugyeom....." He gets angry and removes his hands from his shoulder and takes a way to go out of the restaurant but stops when he grabbed his wrist.

"You can't leave like that Jungkook you to answer." He grabbed his wrist.

"I have nothing to say. Let me go." He tries to remove his hand from his grasp. But he tightens his grasp.

"What if I don't."

"It hurts." He whimper.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Everyone is staring at us and let me go." He mumbled.

"I'm letting you go this but not next time. do you understand Jungkook?" He said with a smirk.

"Next time will never come."

"We'll see." He smirked.

JungKook gets irritated because of his disrespect. He didn't like it but didn't say anything because it'll make a big fuss in front of everyone in the restaurant. He just leaves quietly.

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