Chapter 31

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"I'm not competent of you Jungkook so let's terminate this relationship here."

"WHAT!" he asked in shock.

"What you hear Mr. Jeon Jungkook? I'm informing you to divorce me. It's reasonable for both of us."

". "

"  "

"Why are you quite say something? I want to know what's your opinion about divorce."

"I have nothing to say about it because I have not to think about it."

"What? are you serious man?"

"Yeah, why are you surprised?"

"Because I thought you don't like me."

"Yes, I don't like you."

"So is that so what's the meaning of our this unwanted Marriage huh? I can't understand. explain it. It's out of my mind. You ain't like me and don't want to see my face but also didn't think about leaving me.

What do you want? How much do you want to degrade me and insult my feelings Mr. Jeon Jungkook you know that I'm a human being like you I have feelings and have a heart that hurt when someone doesn't care about my feelings. I'm getting tired of your shitty behavior. I'm getting tired of enduring it I have no more power to endure it anymore."

JungKook is just listening to him without interference and didn't say a word, because he wants to listen he complains it's right he has feelings he can feel bad when someone treats him badly and get angry.

"But I don't want a divorce."

"But I want."


"For us so you can start your new life and I will not be able to stand again if you leave me. So I want to leave you myself. I will not regret in future for destroying your life and you love someone so you can go back to him. I will not come in your way again."

"Who said I love someone?"

"Because I know you were getting married to your love but you have to marry me because he can't make it on your wedding day."

How do you know it?"

"I know everything but I didn't mention it before because I think you'll tell me by your self but you didn't."

"I know one thing more."

"And what's that?"

"He's back right?"

"Yes, but how do you know it."

"I never wanted to show you about it but I can't control myself anymore. I'm not mad at you at all because it's your life and you're free to make decisions for your life I'll never force you for anything."

"May I ask you one thing?*


"Wh-at i-if I d-did s-some t-thing v-very a-awry w-will you forgive me?" he stuttered but SeokJin knows what he was asking about.


"Because I know what you want to tell me."

"Then let me know."

"It's about abortion right?"


"Yes I know it's already a month I know about it."

"You are not mad?"

"I was but I think it's your body and it's your choice but you can allow me to know right? Because I have the right to know about it because I was the other father of that little one."

"I'm sorry for everything but please can you give me the last chance I will try to be a better person because I think it's not good to divorce."

"About him, I have no feelings for him. Now I prefer to begin my life with you because now I know I was mistaken.

What I committed was so much terrible with you and about killing our kid but I don't want my parents to dislike me when they'll know about it. Please forgive me." He said while tears fell on his cheeks.

"But I don't think I will be able to live with you anymore."



"Okay just go back and let's talk about it later when you think it's better and I am going to my parents and will not come for 2 days you just think about what you want to do SeokJin."

"Alright I will let you know."


JungKook was the first one to depart the restaurant. They didn't order anything and did not eat anything. there are tears in SeokJin eyes, he is still sitting here alone and thinking about what JungKook said they can forget about the past and start a new life and don't let come to their ego in their relationship.

Jungkook is driving the car he is not in the right mood. There are so many things roaming in his mind. His eyes are on road but not on his mind and not knowing something is coming from the front when he sees the road he moves his car to the other side but it crashes into the tree to the roadside.

Seokjin gets up from his seat to left for the house. He reached home after 30 minutes of driving he goes into his room he put his phone on the side table. and do his night routine lay down on the bed to sleep. It rings~

He grab his mobile phone from the side table he see call I'd It's Jungkook. He thought why he's calling at this hour he'll be on his way. He attended the call.


Are you Kim SeokJin? He got confused because it's not Jungkook's voice.

Yes, but who are you? it's my husband's phone and why do you have his phone.

He got an accident.

WHAT? Are you insane? He was fine just a few minutes ago. How does it happen?

I'll give you details later, sir please come shortly we are taking him nearby hospital.

Okay, I'm coming.

there are tears in his eyes his mind stops working he can't comprehend what's happening and how he got in an accident. He instantly gets up and take the keys and left the house in rush for going to the hospital. What he'll do if anything happens to him. He can't forgive himself for his life. It's his fault he didn't stop him at this hour of night and it's dangerous to drive at night. How I can be so careless in his matter. I always want his best for him but in the end I'm the one who hurt him the most. Tears felling from his eyes to his cheeks he's driving car. He reached at hospital and asked the receptionist.

"where's Jungkook?"

"he's in ICU." He runs towards the ICU.

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