Chapter 20

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Then Jimin come to Jungkook's room and knock on the door. Then he tell him to come in. He then go in the room and sit on chair in front of him and ask him about his health.

"Hey Jungkook."


"What's up?"

"Nothing. I just want to know about your health."

"It's fine, Why?"

"But you are looking pale and also not looking well."

"It's just headache nothing else."

"I think you should go to doctor for check up."

"Hmm I'm also thinking about it."

"Ok then get ready I'll go with you."

"Hmm Ok."




Now me and Jimin are at hospital we're sitting on chairs, and waiting outside of the doctor room for our turn. After some time doctor call us and I go in the room and there's a lady doctor in her early thirties sitting on a chair and checking some files she was it 55 wearing baby pink shirt and skin skirt and white doctor coat. She has dark brown hairs. She's busy in files then after hearing the click sound of door she lift her head up and then she pointed the chair in front of her desk.

"Please Sit."

Then I sit on the chair.

"So, What's matter?"

I'm not feeling well from sometime.



After Check up we again sit on our seats. Then I asked her

"Dr. Chang What happened?"

"It's a good news."

"Good News."


"What type of news?"

"You are pregnant."

"Whaaat?" I asked surprised.

*It can't be real right."

"It is. Why? are you not happy to hear it?"

"Er... I-I don't know."

"I can understand. You are surprised because its your first time right?"


You don't have to worry about anything everything will be fine.



"Now you can go. But please come next week for check up."


I was shocked and can't process what she's saying? I just come out of the room. Now I really regret what we did that night.
After that I go out of the room and go to Jimin. He's sitting on chair and was on mobile. Then he face to me and asked me.

"What happened?"

"Ahh No-nothing."

"Is it some big problem?."

"No It's not like that."

"Then what? So, why you're looking like you see some ghost."

"I said nah it's nothing." I said rudely.

"Just relax Jungkook its hospital not your house."

"If you don't wanna tell me then I'll ask the doctor?" He was going to his room but I held his wrist to go further. Because I can't afford if he asks doctor so she'll tell him and if he gets know about it he will tell everyone which I can't afford.

"No wait Ok I'll tell you but at another place. Is it ok?"


"Come I'll drop you to your home."

I just nod.

Then we come out of hospital and go to parking lot and in  car. He sit on driving seat and i sit on passenger seat. Then he started the car and after some time of driving he stopped the car at front of my house then I get off the car and said good bye to him and he replied back. He drive back to office, I was still standing here, I
think he forgets about asking and didn't asked me again. Thank God I don't have to tell him now about it.

After that I enter in room and I go in living room and sit on couch and put my brief case on floor and take off my shoes and socks and loosen my tie and take off my coat. I'm not feeling well N what I hear I can't imagine. I have to get rid of this no matter what. I never knew this will be the consequences of what we did in Hawaii. I don't want to destroy my life bcuz of kids and whose kids which I don't like. I can't. I have work to do and a company to handle I can't get pregnant now and let others to take care of my company. No it can't happen. I have to do something. I'll abort this thing. I don't like that person so how can I give birth to his child. After that I go to my room and wear comfy clothes and I'll take a nap cuz it's noon and he'll be back at 7 in evening so now I can take some rest.

End Of Jungkook  Pov


Kim SeokJin POV

I'm at my office sitting on my chair it's 7 pm already. I'll get late today so I asked Jimin about Jungkook he said he's at home and he's better but he didn't tell me about what doctor said. Then I take my mobile and call Jungkook. After ringing he picked the call.



How are you feeling now?

I'm fine.

Good, then I'll be late cuz some work came in office.

Ok bye.

Bye take care.

He then cut the call. I then put mobile on table and move towards the screen of laptop and started to work on laptop and then started typing  some files. I'm still thinking about what'll happened in hospital and how's is his health condition.

Kim SeokJin come back home at mid night. He entered in house and lights were off and it's dark. Then he switched on the lights of house, after that he go to Jungkook's room to check him. He's sleeping so he just closed the door very carefuly so he didn't disturb him. After checking him he go back to his room and do his night routine and wear pajamas and lay on his bed and drifted in sleep.

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