Chapter 43

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Jungkook spend 6 days at his parents' house and returned to his home today. Because he got a call from SeokJin he's coming back tomorrow so he should be at home. Yugyeom didn't call him after that day. He's frustrated because he always disturbs him whenever he started to feel better and he comes to destroy his nice mood. He just shrugged off those feelings and went to his room and sat on the bed scrolling his phone. Then he heard the doorbell he walks to the door to get who it can be at this hour because it was already 9 p.m. and he didn't call his friends to come over.
He opened the door and it was "Yes." A boy standing at his towards turned to him. Yugyeom gasps in shock "what he's doing here at his house at this hour?"

He shut the door but he put his hands to not shut the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I want to see you," he mumbles with a grin.

"But I don't want to you can go."

"Jungkook don't you have manners how to treat a guest when he comes to your house. Is this how you treat your all guests or it's for the special one," he asked in a mocking tone.

"Just leave i don't want to see you," he said in an annoyed tone.

"Jungkook why do you treat me coldly? I love you and here you behave you don't know me," he exclaimed in a sad tone.

Jungkook went inside and Yugyeom follow behind him and they both went to the living room and sit on the couch.

"Now say why are you here."

"I just missed you."

"Get to the point i don't have time to waste listening to your nonsense."

"My mom wants me to marry the person who i don't want to."

"That's not my problem i listen to you now you can go."

"Jungkook will not you console me i'm sad."

"No, I don't want to."

"Just give me a favor last time I'll not disturb you again please." he plead and Jungkook pity on him and agreed to spend time with him.

"You wait here i bring some drinks for us."

"Ok." Jungkook went to the kitchen and open the fridge take beer cans and come to the living room and hand him the can "here." he grab the can from his hand and he sits beside him on the couch. They both open the can and started to gulp the beer.

"So who're you getting married with?"

"With Bam."

"You guys know each other long ago so it would not be tough to get along for both of you."

"Yeah, I know him but it doesn't mean we'll get along well."

"Everything will be alright with time just hope for good right?"

"Okay. Can you take another can for me?"

"Yes." His glass of drink was on the table then Yugyeom take out a packet from his pocket put it in his glass and dissolve it with a straw in his drink while he was in the kitchen taking out the beer can from the fridge. In a few minutes, he comes back with 2 cans and hands them to Yugyeom.

"Thanks." Yugyeom grabs the can from his hand.

They both gulp down their drinks and in a few minutes, Jungkook was getting hot and started to open his shirt to get air because he was feeling not well. It's like his body is on heat and wants to feel some touch on his body. Yugyeom did it on purpose to make him unconscious to take advantage of this opportunity he get on top of him and started to remove his shirt and throw it in the living room somewhere. Then he started to suck his neck and make marks on his neck Jungkook is trying to resist his actions but he wasn't in the place to recognize what is happening to him and why he has lose all his strength to punch him and push him aside. he's not stopping then he tries to kiss his lips but he turned his face to not let him but he slaps his cheek and clenches his jaw to not to move but he kissed him and bite his lips to take access to his mouth and devour the taste.

SeokJin arrived at the apartment and climbed off the taxi and take out his suitcase and walk to his apartment. Though he did tell Jungkook he's coming tomorrow but he came back before because he wants to surprise Jungkook.

When he reached at door was slightly open he peek through the door because the door was open he gets shocked to see all this. He wanted to surprise but in the end, he get surprised wow. He entered the living room and throw his suitcase in the hallway and run to Jungkook and grab Yugyeom by the collar and punch him hard his mouth from the corner is bleeding because of the hard punch. What he sees is his husband is lying half-naked on the couch and a person on top of him kissing his lips which boiled his blood. His eyes turned red because of anger and he expects this will happen to him and he has to see this shit.

"You what are you trying to do with my husband?" He again punch him he loose balance and fell to the floor.

"It's your husband who call me to come over and said you are not here so i can come over to meet him. It's not my fault but your husband's a whore who likes to fuck with others than his husband."

"You fucker." SeokJin punch him hard causing him to bleed and he fell to the floor.

"How can you talk like that about my husband he's not like that and I'm never gonna believe your fucking lie. You bastard." He sits on the floor. And started to hit him. Then Jungkook gets up from the couch and put his hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"SeokJin stop please ~" his voice trembling.

"He'll die." SeokJin looks at him and leaves his collar.

Get the hell out of here before i kill you. And never show me your face if I see again i'll not spare you. Do you get it? Yugyeom gets up his face bruised because of his punches and runs to the door to leave the house.

Jungkook is dizzy and fell on the couch and can't stand up he's laying on the couch eyes close he's looking a mess and his cheek is red because of the slap. And bruises on his neck SeokJin see his condition is miserable and he loses control but he can't do anything because Jungkook is not in his senses at this time. He comes to Jungkook and touch him on his cheek and calls him. "Jungkook." he looked at him and apologize to him. "I'm sorry for what you have to see i never imagined he would do this to me." He's sobbing hard and Jungkook sits on the floor and take him in his embrace and caress his back to console him.

"Hey don't cry you don't have to apologize i have to be i was not there to protect you. I'm sorry Jungkook."

"Take me to the room." SeokJin held him in bridle style and take him to the bathroom and remove his clothes and put him in the bathtub then he also removes his clothes. They both take a long bath and Jungkook gets a little better than he took him to the room and put him on the bed.

"SeokJin i need you please ~"

"Are you sure? Because you're not in the condition to take it."

"I'm alright just give me what I want i missed you so much these days. I'm feeling disgusting because of his touches SeokJin mark me make me yours."

"As you wish." SeokJin climbs on top of him and kisses his lips and devours his taste and it deep kiss and full of lust and love. Then he nibbles his neck marks him and bites it.

"Make love with me." Jungkook pulls him up and kisses him hard. That's how they spend the night making love. SeokJin was mad but on himself how careless he can be.

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