Chapter 55

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One Month Later

Jungkook and Seokjin are in meeting with foreign clients. When Mr. Robert said. Mr. Kim why don't you visit our country and it will be great to see and you can make your decision after what you felt like.

"Yes, Mr. Robert I would like to visit the U.S. so we can start spreading and development of our company's name."

"Hmm, that's nice and what about your company here?" Mr. Robert asked.

"Mr. Jeon will handle after me and also our employees here are so much cooperative and experienced in work so they would help him in handling everything also he was also a C.E.O of his company so he knows how to handle a company," Seokjin said.

"Good, so we meet in a week in the U.S."

"Yes." They get off of their seats shake hands and see off them.

Seokjin sits on his and Jungkook stands in front of him. "Seokjin are you for real?" Jungkook asked in shock.

"Yes, Jungkook you know it's important and it's better you stay here and handle the business here and I will manage the work abroad."

"But how I would live without you one month."

"Jungkook it's not a big deal sometimes comes in life when we have to be apart and I also don't want to but for the cause of company we have to stay away for a month but I will miss you."

"Seokjin I know but it'll be hard for me. You are going without me and I would be alone without you."

"You wouldn't be alone I'll always be with you but it's just a matter of days and will pass and we will be back together after one month."

Then Seokjin get up and Jungkook who is on the verge of crying. He knows Jungkook is becoming sensitive day by day and he is worried for him but it's for the sake of the company and both of them so they can know how it feels to stay away from the person you love and how hard it is to live without your loved one.

"Jungkook just don't cry I can't see if you cry it would make me weak so I would not be able to leave you. And you always wanted to make our successful and on high."

"Hmm." Jungkook just hmm and hugged him tightly and don't want to let him go. They both stayed in this position for a few minutes. Then Seokjin break the hug and went to their cabins.

They both get back to their work and then after off they drive to their house. The next day Jungkook and Seokjin went to their work after work they went to their parents' house. They greet them and have dinner and spend time with them. Because Seokjin is going to leave for the U.S. in two days. So he thought to spend some time with his family.

"Son you are going abroad for the sake of the company and we are really happy you guys are doing well in your life." Mr. Kim said.

They all are sitting in the hall and staying with them.

"Yes, that's why we are here to visit you, Dad and Mom," Seokjin replied.

"Hmm, why don't Jungkook stay with us during your tour of the US and he wouldn't feel lonely." Mrs. Kim said.

"That's nice I was worried how he would stay alone there but I'm glad if he will stay with you guys," Seokjin said.

"What about you Jungkook are you agreeing with staying with us?" Mrs. Kim asked while looking at him.

"Yes, I'm okay to stay here."

"So, it's final Jungkook is going to live with us for one month." Mr. Kim said with happiness.


Seokjin is getting ready for the airport because today is his flight to U.S. Jungkook is helping him wear his blazer and then tie his tie.

"I will miss you so much Seokjin."

Me too Jungkook. I don't want to leave you but it's important and I'm feeling bad to leave you.

I'm feeling like it's not you are going for one I'm feeling like you are leaving me forever and I'm scared of losing you.

"I'm also feared but we will meet again. And don't feel stressed when I'll not be here. Don't feel alone I would always be with you.

Jungkook you are my first and last love and sometimes I feel restless for the thinking of going far away from you but we have to go away from the person we can't think about leaving a moment without him. But remember that I can't see in pain if I wouldn't here you wouldn't stress yourself and give pain your self because you are so precious to me and I won't like it if something happened to you because of me. I always wanted to see you happy with me or without me and promise me you would listen to me." Seokjin said while tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Yeah, I will always listen to you Seokjin because after meeting you and having you in my I get to know about the meaning of real love. We can love someone unconditionally without anything in return how you always love me and take care of me and forgive my all faults.

And now I can't imagine my life without you and I will be with you only and if something happens to you my heart will also stop beating. I'll also forget to take a breath without." Jungkook confessed everything to Seokjin his voice shaking because of sob and what he is feeling this time.

Then Seojin put his lips in him to kiss and Jungkook return his kiss. they both kiss full of love eagerness and all feelings. After a few minutes, they both break the kiss and Seokjin joint their foreheads. They stayed and felt each other fear and hearing their heartbeat and finding love between each other.

Then a knock on their bedroom takes them out of their thoughts on each other. Seokjin stay away from him and then Jungkook open the door and the servant comes inside to take Seokjin's suitcase to put in the car. They both went downstairs.

Seokjin hugs his parents and last time hug Jungkook before leaving the house and kissing him on the forehead. Jungkook wants to see him off at the airport but Seokjin tells him not to because it will be difficult for them to see departure from the airport. It'll be hard for Seokjin to not stop for him who'll be crying tears will be falling from his eyes like a waterfall and he wouldn't not be able to stand him like this.

Seokjin sits in the back seat and the driver starts the car and Jungkook is looking at the car till it's far away from his sight. Seokjin after arriving at the airport take his flight and Jungkook stay in his room for the whole day and didn't come not even eat anything. Mrs. Kim came many times to call him for dinner but he said he hasn't appetite. He doesn't want to eat anything.

He sleeps before time and dreaming of Seokjin. The next day he gets up to have breakfast with his in-laws sitting in the dining room.

"Jungkook are you fine now?" Mrs. Kim asked.

"Yes, Mom, I'm perfectly fine and today is office so I sleep earlier so I'm sorry for last night I worried you both."

"It's alright son we know how it felt when your husband goes away from you."

"Yes, I have finished my breakfast I would take my leave we will meet in the evening."

"Okay bye, son and take care." He bid his bye and left the house and drive the car to his office.

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