Chapter 36

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One Week Later

It was already a week before when we discussed it. We initiate to learn to identify each other. We are doing well and getting closer day by day. It's felt nice when someone returns your feelings with love and affection. Show interest in you and your liking and everything related to you. That's a delightful sensation after a long time. It's fortunate to forget the past and begin a fresh life and bestow love without anything in return.

Jungkook was in the room and come out of his room and departed to the kitchen. He gathered the things which he need to make the food. After that, he started to make food then he put a container of water and chicken and put spices in it on the stove to make soup. He started to cut cucumbers and tomatoes to make a salad on a cutting board. Then SeokJin enter and stand next to him on the counter and asked him. "Jungkook what're you doing?"

"What? Can't you see I'm cutting vegs for dinner why?" he answered while cutting and don't face him.

"Oh! I can watch but why you are doing this?" I asked little confused he tilt his head to face me his face looking guilty he didn't appreciate what I said.

"because isn't it better to share our work in-house. You are the one who often cleans the house and prepares food but it's fine if I help you with your chore in the house.

cause you also go to work and also do house chores isn't it hard to do both. I also wish to help you and want to make you realize I'm here for you and always be by your side." he said while facing me and looking very sensitive.

"Oh! i really appreciate what you think about me. So what are you making?"

"Your favorite lobster, naengmyun, salad, and chicken soup."

"Oh my...  you are really shocking me with your over sweetness it's too much for me."

"Oh but I want to make you feel good." he gives me a big smile.

"I'm extremely impressed to observe the shift in your demeanor. I didn't realize you'll be rectified for me that's quite amazing Jungkook." I chuckled softly and he also smile.

"I also have not assumed that I'll be able to change myself and fall in love with you that's very unbelievable."

"Why you didn't want to fall for me huh?"

"Actually, I like it I commenced having feelings for you."

"So you can't thwart my charisma and in the end, you knock down for my charms." I smirked and he just smiles softly and said "get out." he handed over the plates and started to push me out of the kitchen. "hey hey i was just kidding."  "go it'll be ready in a few minutes you go and set the table."  I certainly admire this version of Jungkook's.

I arranged the table and after an hour he complete his cooking and serve the food. I was sitting on the chair and then he also sit on the chair across the table from me and serve me lobster and himself. "Have a bite." he signaled me to eat. "Okay." I take a bite of lobster and he's looking at me like he wants me to praise him. "What?" I looked at him with a surprised look then he shift his gaze to his food. "Nothing," he said with a little disappointment. I chuckled he looks at me then I tightened my lips to not laugh.

"Why're you laughing?"

"Because look at your self you're looking like mad kids who didn't get what he wants."

"You are teasing me."



"No. I wasn't."

"It's very delicious," I said


"Yes, i didn't know you were such a good cook huh. You hide this until now."

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