Chapter 57

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Two weeks ago

In U.S. Seokjin is in his hotel room sitting on the couch with his laptop in his lap eyes on the screen and hands on keypad fingers moving fastly typing on his laptop when he heard a knock on the door he thought who can be here at this hour. He put his laptop on the side table and get off of the couch and walk to the door he open the door his and eyes fell open when his eyes fell on the figure standing in front of him and he said him to "come in." he enter the room. He looks at him and was delighted to see the person in front of him after many years. He hug him and said. "Long time no see Namjoon."

"Yeah, how are you doing Seokjin?"

"I'm doing well and what about you Namjoon?" Seokjin asked while they both sit on the couch.

"What you would like to drink?"


"Don't be formal Namjoon just tell me what you want to drink." Seokjin stand from the couch and went to the kitchen for the drinks. After a few minutes, he comes back with two glasses of drinks and hands them to Namjoon and takes his glass they both have their drinks and Namjoon again starts the conversation.

"What about Uncle and Aunt how are they doing?" Namjoon asked.

"They are perfect." He replied.

"So Namjoon what were you doing here for so many years? Huh!"

"Yeah, Seokjin because I just wanted to succeed in my life and didn't want to go back to Korea because of the reason you know."

"I know Namjoon and I can understand your reason. But we were your family and you never thought to meet us in those fifteen years that's not right." Seokjin response.

"Yeah, i know i was wrong for not having contact with the family but now I've made up my mind I'm going to Korea with you," Namjoon said.

"Are you serious?" He asked in utter shock.

"Yes, I'm damn serious Seokjin."

"So what about you Seokjin do you get married or have kids?" Namjoon asked.

"I'm married but don't have kids in future maybe." Seokjin response.

"What is your husband's name?"

"Jungkook." He replied.

"Jungkook your neighbour right who you always like right?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, he is my Jungkook." He replied with happiness.

"What about you Namjoon have you found someone?" He asked.

"No, I think I will find someone when I return to Korea."

"So, Mr. Kim Namjoon is still a bachelor."

"Yes, When you are going back to Korea?" Namjoon asked.

"In two weeks, do you want to go with me?" Seokjin asked confoundedly.

"Yeah, I will book my ticket for Korea on the same flight as you."

"That's great."

Seokjin and Namjoon talk about everything and their families and others. Then Namjoon left and Seokjin know it's will be midnight in Korea so he call Jungkook. Jungkook attended the call after ringing.

Hello Jungkook

Hi Seokjin

How are you?

I'm good and you.

I'm also well but I'm feeling like you are not fine Jungkook. Are you not taking care of yourself huh? Seokjin's voice raised a little to ask him with anger.

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