Chapter 13

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Jungkook POV

I'm sitting on couch in TV lounge I was watching a movie it's just ended, then I switched off the TV. I take my mobile phone from center table and started to scrolling it. Then I saw a time it's 12 am and  SeokJin didn't come back. I then scroll my cell phone for some minutes then I heard a sound of  click and door opened. I move my face from mobile's screen. Then see It was SeokJin.

"I'm home." He said.


He come and sit with me on couch and put his brief case on floor on side.
He loosen his tie and open the button of his coat and lean back for relaxing. I put my mobile phone on table and then look at him. He then see me with question eyes. I just shook my head in negative.

"What was you doing?" he asked.

"Nothing I was just watching a movie its just ended so I switched off the TV and get busy with my mobile phone."

"How was your day at work?"

"It was good and what about yours?"

"It was hectic day, there was so much work today. but I'm okay."


"Do you have your dinner?"

"Yes and you."

I already have dinner from outside. Ok I'll go to my room because I'm sleepy and you do what you was doing? He gets up from the couch and take his briefcase from floor and went to his room. I also get up from couch went to my room, I have already finish my night routine and was wearing comfy clothes so I just lay down on bed and fell asleep.



They get up early in the morning, do their morning routine, eat breakfast and go to their own works. They both were sitting in their office in their rooms and doing their works.


I was sitting on chair my office and signing some files. Then I heard a knock on door and I raised my head to see it was my father then I get up from my seat and stand in his respect then I greet him.

"Good morning Appa."

"Morning Son."

"Why are you here father you can call me so I came by myself."

"No problem Son I just want to meet you so I come to your office."

"Ok Sit please."

You sit then I want to tell you something important. He said while sitting on couch in my office. I also sit on couch with him. Then I call my secretary to take espresso coffee and Americano for my father.

"On What important matter you want to talk about? You come over by your self."

"Oh yes there's your ticket for Hawaii you both are going on honey moon to Hawaii." He said and hand me envelope of tickets.

"Thanks Appa for your effort."

"Your Welcome Son."

Then my secretary knocked on door, I said her to come in.

She put espresso and Americano put on table in front of couch she then left the room. Then I give Americano to my dad and take my espresso and take a sip. Then dad take a sip of his coffee and said.

"Son your flight will be in two days at morning, also tell Jungkook and start to pack your clothes for trip."

"Ok dad I'll tell him and we'll start our packing from tomorrow so we don't get late for flight."

"Ok Son. I gotta go and you sure come home before going to Hawaii to meet your mom."

"Sure I'll try to come tomorrow I'll also take Jungkook with me to meet his parents also."

"That's good See ya and take care of him and yours."

"Yes I'll, Bye See you." I hug my Appa then he left from my room.

I'm excited to go with him but I don't think he'll be happy about going with me. But maybe on honey moon our relationship start to get better.


Its 6 PM at evening when I arrived at home and want to tell him about our honey moon or just tour. I then enter in house, then I directly go to my room and take my clothes from closet, then go to bathroom and take a long shower, then I wrapped a towel around my waist. I then leave the bathroom and take clothes from bed wear a shirt, remove towel and wear sweat pants. After that I leave my room and go to kitchen to prepare dinner and set the table. Then after half an hour later Jungkook enter in house. He put his things on couch and then sit. He was looking tired.


"Oh Hey."

"How was your day?"

"It was exhausting." He take a heavy breath.

"Ohh ok dinner is ready you go and freshen up and I serve the food."


He then went to his room after 15 minutes he came out of his room his hairs were wet it was looking like he took a shower and he was wearing a full sleeve dark blue shirt and gray sweat pants. He then sit on chair and I sit on chair then we started to eat then I call him.



"I want to tell you that Appa had already booked tickets for our honeymoon. We are going to Hawaii."

"Oh ok."

"Tomorrow we'll go to our parents house to meet them."

"We are going for one week. So from tomorrow we'll not go to office for next week."

"Ok I'll call Jimin to tell him to take care of the work in office."


After eating I take dishes from table  and wash them and Jungkook go to his room. After that I go to my room.


After entering in room Jungkook sit on his bed, take his phone and call Yoongi. He then pick his call and answer Jungkook.


Hi Jimin.

Why you call me at this time Jungkook?

I'm sorry if I disturb you at this time, but I want to tell you I'll be not on work from tomorrow.

No you didn't disturb me and why you will not come to your work huh?

Because our parents want us to go to honeymoon so for one week I'll be on leave.

Oh that's good and work you don't have to worry about it. I'll take care of it, you don't have to worry about work, you guys just enjoy your honey moon. 

Thanks Jimin for your favor I'm very thankful for you.

It's okay its not a big deal and take care bye.

Bye see ya.

He then take his phone and message to his friends to meet him tomorrow.

They reply with ok.


SeokJin and Jungkook get up early in the morning and both go to his parents house to meet them. They stay for 4 hours at his parents house and have lunch there. Then they both go to SeokJin's house to meet his parents. They spend their day in their parents house.

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