Chapter 33

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Today Jungkook was discharged from the hospital and SeokJin take him back home. He takes him to his room and put him down on the bed. He said while standing straight "You take rest I'll make something for you to eat."

"Alright." There's a bandage on his head but he's better than before in some time his wound will be healed totally. Jungkook grabs his mobile phone from the side table and scrolls the social app to know if his friends text him or not. There's a message from Jimin and Hoseok.

Hello Jimin.

Hello Jungkook how are you doing now? I get to know you got an accident.

Yes, I'm doing good now and what about the work in the office.

About the office, you don't worry because I and Taehyung am taking care of every work and you just take rest and get well soon.

Thanks for asking and taking care of the work. I have no words really, how to appreciate you guys.

You guys don't have to worry about it just take care of yourself because your health is more important than work.

Alright, I will talk to you later.


On the other side, SeokJin enters the kitchen and opens the cabinet to take out rice and plates he shut the door close and put the rice in a pot to cook.  After 30 minutes of rice cooked he already cooked chicken soup. He opens the fridge and takes out the water bottle and puts it on the tray. Plates and rice and chicken soup and porridge are put on a tray to serve Jungkook. He takes the tray and walks to the Jungkook's room Jungkook was sitting with his headboard and legs straight and eyes on the mobile screen. He put the tray on the side table and call "Jungkook." He tilts his head to look at him. "Yes."

"Food." He pointed to the tray beside the table.


Jungkook sit on the bed and SeokJin settled on the chair beside the bed and put the tray in front of Jungkook. "Can you eat yourself or may I feed you."

"No I can eat by myself you don't have to."


They both ate lunch silently and didn't talk after finishing up SeokJin put dishes on a tray and take them back to the kitchen. He washes the dishes and then again he goes back to his room to accompany him or he'll get bored without any doing and don't have anything to eliminate his boredom.

One Week Later

During the week SeokJin look after Jungkook and didn't go to his office and do work from home because he can't take the risk to leave him alone at home when he was not well. He does everything for him make food, do house chores, clean the house and even feed him sometimes. He read his books and try to do his best to take care of him.

Jungkook was just not saying anything but he is really grateful for him to do too much for him. He always thanks him and now he's totally well and his bandage is removed and he's well to do his work. From tomorrow on he'll start to go to his work because he's tired of staying home and not doing anything. He is starting to feel like he is liking him and want to stay with him and spend time with him.

It's like he started to have feelings for SeokJin he never felt like that for him before but now in during this, he recognizes that others' feelings are sincere for him. He loves him unconditionally not want anything in return just wanted to give everything he has to his loved one. He regrets what he did in past with him and his unborn child but now he'll try to do sufficiently and make him realize that I also can like you do.

During the week he didn't use harsh words or treat him badly and always treat him well and listen to what SeokJin's said and executed it. He didn't talk back and missed behaving with him. SeokJin felt the transformation in his demeanor and liked it because of how he changed these days, he can do better in the future, and now SeokJin thought he'll give him a chance and his marriage maybe they also can live like happily married couples. One day everything will be fine in their lives like further people who love each other.

SeokJin is a mature and sensible person enough to convey him a second chance because it's a course of life, not scarcely a few days or years because if you spilt your routes without bestowing time or space and the opportunity to each other so they'll repent of it in future and will never be able to get along with anyone else. Marriage is not a phrase of tying two persons in one relationship but it's meant to decipher each other and recognize each other likings and dislikes and change your habits according to each other likings. how both people like each other and not only one person but both. In marriage, both persons have to compromise their everything for each other and give time to each other and make a room for each other and give space so they don't feel like they're prisoned or can't have their own choices in their lives. In relationships, both have to make it operate because alone one person can't make it operate. After all, it's inconceivable for one person to struggle to not wreck the connection.

Jungkook also understands his feelings for SeokJin. He wants to do something to make him feel that he is starting to like him and wants to express his liking by doing anything for him. Now he understands he can like but he never wants it because he always tells his heart to not like him and stopped his heart to enter in his heart. He now wants to live a life like other married people. Like his friends, Taehyung and Jimin and Yoongi and Hoseok how both couples are satisfied together and never treat badly each other.

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