Chapter 32

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He runs towards the ICU and stands outside. He's walking back and forth in anxiety no one comes out and tells him how is he doing? Then a man comes and calls him.

"Mr. Kim."

"Yes? You?"

"I'm Kang Seong-gi who takes your husband to the hospital."

"Oh, Mr. Kang thanks for your help."

"You don't have to because as human beings it's our duty to help people in need. So it's not a big deal." He shakes hands with SeokJin.

"But I... How's he? Did you talk with the doctor?"

"No it's a half hour he's there. Just have patience everything will be alright Mr. Kim think positive." Kang Seong-gi pats his shoulder to give him courage.

"I hope so."

Then a doctor comes out of the ICU he runs towards him and asks about his condition.

"How's he?"

"He's lucky he survived there's no major injury just there's a wound on his head we stitch it and some scratches on his arm and face. Otherwise, he's totally fine there's no internal injury."

"Thank God. I'm very thankful for you doctor."

"It's because you pray for him and he's safe. He's so lucky he has such a loving and caring husband."

"Can I see him, doctor?"

"We'll shift him inpatient ward you can meet him there in a few minutes."


"Okay, I gotta go."


'I think I should call his parents, but it's late and they will get worried so I'll tell them tomorrow.' He thought.


JungKook is laying on the bed inward unconscious and SeokJin is on beside the chair his hand in his hands.

"JungKook open your eyes and see I'm here for you. Forgive me Jungkook I'll not talk about divorce again please open your eyes Jungkook." His tears fell.

JungKook's hands move he started to open his eyes slowly SeokJin looks at him and give a small smile. He wipes his tears with his hand.

"JungKook how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better," he said with little difficulty.

"Thank Goodness nothing big happened to you or I will not be able to forgive myself."

"Why are you saying that?"

"Because I am the reason you're here laying on stature because of me."

"No you don't have to be guilty when you didn't do anything wrong, it's not your fault I'm here it's because of my carelessness."

"Okay take a rest and don't talk too much I'll call the doctor for you."

"Alright." He left the room to call the doctor for him.

The doctor comes and stands beside the bed and asks Jungkook about "how're you feeling?"

"I'm better Doctor."

"Are you feeling a headache?"

"Yeah but very little."

"Okay you take a rest you can go home in 2 days."

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