Chapter 16

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Its already 2 months pass and only one month remain, in one month Jungkook will be graduated and not be in this city anymore. He will not be able to see him daily like he used to and will not eat with him and play together. He is already 25 Years old his parents always asked him if he have any girl friend or boyfriend he always tell them he never be in relationship, because of his love for Jungkook is true. He just can't think about anything else except him. That why he never have relation with anyone. Now he wants to confess his love to him because doesn't even know he'll meet him again or not. So he decided to confess his love next week, he had to take a risk and tell him about his feelings towards him he can't hide anymore.

Jungkook and SeokJin was sitting on floor in TV lounge playing video game at Jungkook place. His parents were not at home, so SeokJin think it is a  better time to tell him.

Jungkook have remote in his hand and other is in SeokJin's hand. Jungkook was busy in playing and SeokJin was lost in his thoughts. Don't know JungKook was calling him.

"SeokJin Hyung, Hyung." He wave his hands in front of him.

"Ahhh What? What happened?"

"Nothing happened here but I think something is wrong with you. It's you, You are looking lost like something really bothering you."

"No, nothing is bothering me. I'm perfectly fine why you feel like that. Its just..... "

"Then Why you aren't focusing on game huh?"

You Lost the game 3rd time and you're not saying like you cheated or it was wrong.

You always fight when you lost and I win but today your behavior is strange, you never behaved like this before. It's strange for me to see you serious like this.

"JungKook I-i w-w-ant to t-tell... Y-you" he was stuttering because of he was can't process words, its hard for him to say what he was gonna say, it's not easy it's hard very hard for him to tell him he likes him who always think of him as his elder brother or best friend not in this way how he can say that to him. It was too much for him.

"What's wrong? You are worrying me with your expression you never hesitate before to talk to me or tell me about anything but what why are you hesitant to say, just tell me what you want to tell."

'Its not easy Jungkook, it is very  difficult to tell you I love you.' he thought.

I-i l-l ove... Y-you....


Its already 5 days past on honey moon and they visit different places and enjoy their trip, day by day they are  getting closer to each other, they are trying to better to get to know about each other their liking, dislikes and favorite things, anything. Today they are going on road trip and will get drunk  and they both spend night in other city.


After 6 hours driving they reach at Luau On Kauai to Tour, Show, Polynesian Dance, and Dinner. They spend their 3 hours and they have dinner see the polynasian dancing show and Jungkook get drunk but SeokJin was also drunk but he was still in his senses. So then he get up of his chair and go to find the room for staying. Then he asked a person.

"Excuse me."


"Can I asked you to where we can stay for night bcuz it's late. So we can't go back."

"Yeah there's a small resort here 2 km far from here. You can stay there."

"Thanks for your help."

"Your welcome."

Then he comes and pick Jungkook in bridal style and take him to the car. He then open the door of passenger seat and put him on the seat gently to not to wake him up. After driving 15 minutes he saw a small resort, he then get off his car and take Jungkook out off the car. He put his hands on his own shoulders and he put his hands around his waist. He entered in resort and stand with Jungkook in front of counter and there's a lady in her last 30's. He then asked her for a room.

"Yeah we have."

"We want to stay for a night."

"You can."

"How much money?"


"Ok." He then give the money to the lady.

"Here's your key." Then lady handover the key to SeokJin.

"Thank you."

"My Pleasure."

Then the lady take them to the room. They both enter in room. Jungkook was totally drunk and SeokJin was giving him support in walking, he was still in this position other's arm was on his shoulder and his hand were on Jungkook's waist. He then enter in the room and lay him down on bed very carefully to not wake him up, he then take off his boots and then he takes off his Jacket and then he go to bathroom to take wet towel then he clean his face and arms. Then he went to the bathroom to wash his own face. After washing his face and hands, he comes back to room and take off his own Jacket and put it on couch. He don't take their clothes in the room so he didn't change. So after putting his Jacket on couch, he lay down on the couch and trying to sleep but he can't.

Jimin was in his office and scrolling on computer screen to check to find out if it is correct then he click on send to send the email to customers.
Then he call Jungkook. He didn't attend the call. He try some time but he gives up.


"Hey Jimin you seem busy may I come later."

"No come in, I have already done my work."

"Okay." He then come and sit on the chair in front of the desk.

"So how's it going, I think your work load is increased since he's gone."

"Yeah I have to manage his work also. So it's tough for me but it's not a big deal you are also here and helping me. So thanks you for your help I appreciate it."

"It's not a problem, because it is also my duty as a assistant manager. So I have not do anything for you."



"Okay what about we go outside to have lunch."

"Yes that's good idea to relieve our stress."

Then they both went to the nearby restaurant to have lunch. And sitting on table in the middle.

"What you want?"

"Shrimp, scampi, chicken soup, meat and fish, pizza, Raeymon and pasta."

"Anything else."

"No that's it for now."


"Okay bring it all."

"Okay and 1 bottle of whiskey."

"Okay Sir."

After some minutes waiter come back with food in his hands and place it on table in front of them. Then he left.

"Its tasty."

"Yeah, I told you."


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