Chapter 48

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"Jungkook what about we have made kids huh?

I'm dying to have kids of my own Hoseok and Yoongi are parents and Taehyung and Jimin also going to be parents even if they married after us. Don't you think kids are so cute to play with and they'll complete our family?"

"Seokjin we've already discussed this topic you will not talk about this until I said it myself. So is it so hard to wait for me to be prepared for this?"

"No, I can wait until you want. I'll never force you for anything so don't worry."

Seokjin and Jungkook are sitting on the bed in their room at night when Seokjin came close to him and tries to kiss him but Jungkook back off.

"What is this Jungkook? I want to kiss you but you wouldn't let me what's wrong have I made you feel bad? Or I do something wrong so are angry with me."

"No you didn't do anything wrong Seokjin it's just I'm not ready for this just give me some time to think. I need space."

"You know Jungkook that I love you and  maybe you do or not but I'm more than willing to give you time and space."

It's been two weeks since they didn't talk after that because Jungkook is avoiding him to not see him and Seokjin tries many times to their misunderstanding but he will not spare a glance at him and will not listen to him.

Jungkook is in his office sitting on his swirl chair and Taehyung is sitting on the other side of his work desk.

"Jungkook what do you have to think about your future?" Taehyung asked. They are sitting in Jungkook's office. He asks him this question because Jungkook is always busy with work and doesn't have time to spend with his husband who always waits for him.

"Taehyung where you worried about my future huh? You should have worried about your life and husband, not about me." Jungkook asked in

"Jungkook why do you always talk rudely whenever I try to ask about your life huh? What's your problem Jungkook when you will understand about life is to make people pleased around you. Why do you always just think about your self you are married Jungkook and you have a husband who is too good for you and you don't deserve him.

I feel bad for him he's your husband. You know what Jungkook you are selfish you will learn this when he'll leave for real then you will have nothing then repent of it. So try to give him time and try to make a family with him. It's already two years since you guys are married but there is an establishment in your relationship. You both have to try to understand each other and give time to love him." Taehyung said with concern.

"You know what Taehyung it's my personal affair whatever I do or how is my husband doing he's happy or not or whether he wants a family with me it's my concern you should not interfere in my private life. I don't want anyone to invade my private life. Do you get it Kim Taehyung so leave now. I don't want to talk to you anymore." Jungkook said fiercely. Without wasting a second Taehyung get up and left the office in a rage.

Why everyone thinks I am selfish and don't care about his feelings? I know he loves me I also do but I don't know why I again start to avoid him and keep a distance from him. There's something wrong with me which is very hard for me to change in me. I know I've to change myself if I want to live with him happily and I'm trying. I'm just not ready for a baby and Seokjin wants a baby. Which I feel I can't give him or at least this soon that's why I'm avoiding him. But I'll talk to Seokjin so he doesn't mislead me. Because I can't destroy my relationship with him on this trivial issue. Maybe what Taehyung said is right but I talk harshly with him. He will be angry with me for sure. But how I appease him?

Seokjin is sitting in his office with a wretched expression. He doesn't know they were fine just a few days ago and how they're again in this situation. From where they take a step forward we likewise back from where we started. I can't figure out how to earn his trust to share everything with me whatever the matter is. Avoiding is not the solution to anything I try to talk to him but he will pretend like I don't exist there. How much I have to be stoic to make understand our love and relationship. I try to do something but he will back off like we never confess our love. He's strange and we are again becoming strangers. I'm fed up with his mood swings.

Time Skip

At night Jungkook was in his room lights off and he was crying because of how unfortunate his life is he doesn't know how to make us uncomplicated. Seokjin came back late from the office because he has some important work to accomplish so he told Jungkook to go back without him. So when he passed into in house lights were off he presumed Jungkook is asleep. He came into his room and closed the door lightly to not bother him and switch on the lights. Jungkook is sitting with arms around his legs and face on his knees and crying. Seokjin went to Jungkook and ask put his hand on his arms.

"Jungkook what happened why're you crying?" Seokjin asked worriedly when he heard his sniffles. Jungkook lifts his head his eyes red and tears falling off his eyes to his cheeks and nose red and his eyes swell a little bit. Seokjin's heartbreak to see Jungkook like this because he can't see tears in his because he wants to make him happy but he failed to make his life beautiful where he forgets all bad things and just remember good memories but he can't make a single good memory with him where they feel the luckiest guys or a couple of the world. Because there's always something happening which makes it hard for both of them to open themselves to each other fully like other normal couples. They've nothing like normal couples between them. Jungkook is not trying to change himself he is selfish to think about his problems and doesn't care about others' feelings because other people are also human and have feelings but he can't comprehend this trivial thing that's why he is still there.

"I'm sorry so sorry Seokjin I can't become a good husband for you or maybe I can never be. You deserve a better person, not me." He said in sniffles. 

Seokjin didn't say a word and come forward to him. He came close to him and grab him from his back and attach him to his chest. Jungkook gripped his shirt and Seokjin's circled his back to soothe him and want to tell him everything is fine. But he thinks it's better to keep quiet at this time. Then he laid him on the bed and went to the bathroom to change when he came into the room Jungkook was already asleep so he switched off the lights and laid down on the bed and turn his back to Jungkook and tried to sleep.

Yugyeom his ex-boyfriend was obsessed with him not being in love and also he was tired because of his selfishness that's why he always wanted to leave him but also make him regret his doings. Cause he wants to make the world run his way but he doesn't understand the world does not work according to you. How you want everything will be provided to you no that's not how life works. Because life is never beautiful and you have to compromise with what coming to you and seize it with a wide heart. That simple thing is hard for Jungkook to understand maybe after losing something important in his life he understands what life is. Life is not the name of beautiful encounters you have to agree with the decisions of your fate. What your life brings you accept it with delight.

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