Chapter 38

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SeokJin woke up with the alarm and turned around and see Jungkook sleeping. Then he gets up quietly to not make any sound it'll disturb Jungkook's sleep. He walked to the cupboard and take his suit and towel and stepped into the bathroom after 20 minutes he comes out of the bathroom already wearing clothes except for his coat and he was drying his hair with the towel then his eyes fell on Jungkook who is still sleeping. He thought to not wake him up but then he remember he has company to handle and he can't take days off often. He walked to him and shake him lightly and said "hey Jungkook wake up or you will be late for your work. Jungkook gets up it's already 8:30 am. you have only half an hour to get ready." Then Jungkook open his eyes he step back and sits up on the bed and said.

"Oh sorry, I didn't have a sense of the time because i didn't put an alarm on my phone.

"No problem just get up."

"Okay." Jungkook gets up from the bed and was going to leave the room.

"Wait." his hand on the doorknob stopped and turned to face him.


"Where are you going? Isn't the bathroom free you can shower here?"

"I can but it's not the issue it's just because my clothes are in my room so I'll go get them and have a shower in my room also."

He walks to him and stop in front of him and said. "Oh sorry I forget it but after returning from the office we firstly shift your belongings in this room then we'll do anything else. And one more thing from now on this is your room, not that room, and this is our room, not my room. do you get it?."

"Yes, i get it may i go now?"

"Yes I'll prepare breakfast for us you should be quick."

"Alright." Then Jungkook went to his room and takes his clothes out of the closet and went to the bathroom to take shower.

SeokJin hurried to the kitchen and open the fridge take eggs and bread from it and stir eggs in the bowl and make fried eggs and toast and coffee and serve them on the table then Jungkook also come out of his room and sit on the chair in the dining room. SeokJin also sit with him then they both finished breakfast a little then they get ready properly then they both left the house at the same time.

They both are standing in the parking lot in front of their cars when SeokJin tells him.

"Why can't we go to the office together huh Jungkook? What do you think isn't it good idea?"

"It's a good idea but it'll be hard at off timing because we don't know our timing to leave the office so it's hard for us we don't get free at the same time and I don't know and you don't know at which time you get free and when I get free."

"Oh yeah but we can communicate through the mobile phone about when we'll be free then there'll be no issue remaining."

"Okay, if you insist."

"Thanks for accepting my request."

"Not a big deal. but who'll drive the car?"

"If you like to."

"Okay, then I'll drive the car."

Jungkook sits in the driving seat and SeokJin is in the passenger seat Jungkook starts the engine and takes it away to his office then he takes his leave and then SeokJin drives the car to his office from Jungkook's office.

Jungkook enters the office smiling and greeting everyone. It's the first time he greet his employees with a smile. All employees were surprised to see the shift in the demeanor of their boss. He went to his cabin and all employees start to gossip about him "today boss is in good mood." said a girl.

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