Chapter 47

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Two Months Later

Jungkook and SeokJin are at their parents' house sitting with their parents in the living area and having discussions with them about business. Then Mr. Kim speaks.

"SeokJin why don't you guys integrate your company so it'll not be tough for you guys to take maintenance of one company it'll be easy for both of you."

"I think you are right Dad it'll be great to join our companies and we shouldn't have to stress ourselves about work."

"Yeah, that's what we want because it's already more than one year since you guys are married and we always want to join our business." Mr. Jeon said.

"Yeah, that's good," Jungkook said.

"So we'll start the process of this opportunity and hold the meeting in the company in two days we'll converse about this matter with the colleagues." Mr. Kim said.

"What do you guys think about when you guys want to start your family huh?" Mr. Kim asked.

Both Jungkook and SeokJin looked at each other in dismay at the sudden question about kids.

"Yeah we're getting old and we want to see our grandkids. Don't you guys want to see us happy huh?" Mr. Jeon asked with dismay.

"What you guys start to talk about we aren't ready for it for now," SeokJin said.

"What? How long time do you want to take for this huh? It's already one year and 6 months how much time do you guys need?"

"Maybe in two or three years."

"That's not a good idea."

"Dad, we'll think about it okay? Now get up mom is calling for dinner."

"Okay, we should go to the dining table." Mr. Kim stands up and walks to the door and signals them to come with him.


They all went to the dining room and sit at the dining table. There's dinner served on the table it's a rich dinner for six members.

"Mom, you make our favourite dishes."

"Yeah because it's a long time since we've had dinner together like this."


"What about you both doing nowadays?"

"Nothing new mom just normal life routine."

"Oh, so what about you both going on vacation or not?"

"Yeah, we've been thinking about going for a trip somewhere because we don't have time to go out together."

"Yeah, why don't you both stay here so we can spend some time together."

"If you say so, 'cause we've nothing much in our house to do."

"Uhmm okay so just see how fit yourself."

"Yeah," Jungkook said.

"Okay let's eat the food."

They finish the dinner and went their own way. Mr. Jeon and Mrs. Jeon said their bids and after that Jungkook's parents leave the house and Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim went to their room on the ground floor. Jungkook and SeokJin went to their room upstairs.

"Don't you think their relationship is getting better?"

"I also feel the change in their demeanour and that's a good sign they're doing good."

"Yeah, that's good that they're doing good."

"Yeah because it's already more than one year into their marriage and with time everything can change."

"Yeah, I hope their relationship goes until the end."


"What do you talk to him about the company?"

"I tell them to combine their firm for better results and they can get more success in future."


"Okay well, good night."

"Good night."

Both lay down with their back to each other and fell asleep in a few minutes.

Jungkook and SeokJin took shower and now sitting on both sides of the bed then SeokJin speak.

"Jungkook are you happy with me?"

"Huh?" Jungkook who was looking at his mobile lifted his head in confusion to look at him to see why he ask this sudden question.

"Hmm. But why do you ask it?"

"I don't know but I want to know if you are happy with me or not?"

"I can understand why you are asking but SeokJin I'm really delighted to have you in my life and I want to be with you. There are no regrets in my life anymore because you are my life partner."

"I'm glad to hear that but I'm a little insecure maybe you stop loving me and don't want me again."

"SeokJin doesn't think like that I can understand insecurities but I assure you it'll never happen because I love and will always."

"Really and I'll also love you always. You are my everything Jungkook and never leave me."

"I'll never hurt your feelings again SeokJin."

"Okay then come here." SeokJin spread his arms and signalled him to come into his embrace Jungkook come closer to him and hug him and buried his face in his neck.

They both lay down on the bed Jungkook buried his face in his chest and his arms on his waist and his legs intertwine with each other. They fell asleep in each other embrace.

4 months later

They both are really happy together and they merge their business and now become a big company in Korea. They are doing great in both fields. After merging their business they now go to work together in the same building and work beside each other. Everything has become beautiful after they accept each other and started to give love to each other.

Now in the morning, Jungkook is in the kitchen making breakfast for his husband and himself when he feels someone grab him from behind and put his head on his shoulder. Jungkook knows who's this person.

He faced him and asked, "Are you up?"

"What are you making Jungkook?"

"Not anything special toast and fried eggs."

"You are smelling nice Jungkook." he sniffed his neck.

"Oh yeah now put the plates on the   table everything is almost done I'll bring just go."

SeokJin let him go and walk to the cabinet to take out the plates and glass then he left the kitchen to the dining room and put the dishes on the table and sit on the chair.

After a few minutes, Jungkook brings food and put it on the table and sits across from him. They both finished their breakfast quickly and get ready for work and drove off to the office.

Now they both arrived at the office door and SeokJin pulled up the car at the parking lot. Then they both climb off the car and went inside the office.
They both have a cabin next to each other.

After reaching the door SeokJin said "Jungkook."



"Are you sure?"

"Yes, okay then you can go now." He nod and went to his cabin and sit on his black leather chair.

SeokJin also enter his cabin and sits on his seat but he wants to be with him in the same room they know it's the workplace and they should be in their cabins and it'll be better for the work or it can affect the work so they understand and didn't argue about it further.

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