Chapter 26

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SeokJin and Hoseok are sitting at the round table in the restaurant and having drinks and fried fish.



"I have asked you something on phone. So what's the information?"

"Oh! about Jungkook."


"But why do you want to know about it?"

"Just stop asking unnecessary questions and answer the question which I asked."

"JungKook was in the hospital that day."

"Yes, why?"



2 months ago

JungKook was in the hospital waiting outside of the doctor's room for his turn. checkup. He was sitting on the chair then he was called so he went inside the doctor's room.

"You're Mr. Jeon Jungkook right?" Lady doctor asked him while he was sitting on his chair.


"Ok have a seat, please. We have to do your ultrasound to know how many months pregnant you are." Doctor Choi said.


"You are 3 months pregnant already."

"May I ask you one question doctor?"


"Can I abort it if I want to?"

Her facial expressions change when he asked this question.

"Yes. But why?"

"Bcuz I want to."

"WHAT? Mr. Jeon are you serious?" She asked angrily.

"Yes, I don't want to have this."

"Can I ask you one thing? Mr. Jeon."


"Are you married?"


"So why do you want to abort it's not a mistake or not a result after some rape right?"


"Do you think it's very easy to kill your unborn child?"

"For me it is. It's not a hard decision for me to abort it because it's just a fetus, not a child. When I don't have a problem aborting it then you also don't have to.

because it's mine, not yours. So you don't have to worry about this. Just do what I have asked. You must do what a patient asked for because it's doctor duty?" He said in an angry tone.

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