chapter 34

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Yugyeom was in his house sitting in the living room and TV was on and a show was streaming his full focus was on his mobile calling Jungkook but he was not answering his call. He has to meet him at any cost. He wants him for himself. His mother comes into the living room and sits with him on the couch.

"Yugyeom." He tilts his head slightly to look at her side.


"Don't you have other activities except sitting in the house and using your phone huh?"

"Nope why are you asking?"

"Because I want you to start your work and do some activities to make yourself busy it's not good for you."


"Who are you calling?"

"No one."

"Are you telling me or not or give me your phone."

"No, I'll not tell you." He hides his phone behind the coushin.

"Why not? Okay, whatever you want to do just do but remember one thing if I know you are trying to contact him it'll not be good for you."


"Yes because I'm your mother remember that. I'll not hesitate to imprison you for harassing him."

"Do you think I'm trying to do something wrong to him?"

"Yes, I'm sure about it you'll try to do something wrong with him."

"How you can say that about your son?"

"Because your my son and I know you very well you can go to any extent to make him yours even if he doesn't want to right?"

"My mom you know me very well but you guys marry us so I'll not take any wrong step to marry him."

"But it's impossible."

"Why's that?"

"Because he's already married."

"I know but it's not a matter here."

"If you know so how can he marry you?"

"He can marry me if he divorces his husband right after that he'll be mine forever."

"Do you think he'll divorce his husband?"

"Yes, if he didn't I'll kill his husband if he didn't agree to marry me."

"You can't do this. No, you'll not do anything."

"Why not and you know me very well mom, if i want something I'll get it at any cost."

"Yugyeom." She call him but he ignores her and left the house in anger.

"Aish! What do I do to this kid? I have to do something before he takes a wrong step." She worries about her son he's out of control. She calls her husband to tell him about Yugyeom.


Jimin and Taehyung are back from their honeymoon they enjoyed it too much but after returning they get back right away because Jungkook was injured and can't come to the office to take over the work so they both have to do it. But they're not mad at all because they spend a long time together without any work and interference. After all, they have to come back to normal life routine and have to work for the household because if they don't do the work then how they'll get money and survive without any money. They understand their duties as a married couple. Now Taehyung has more responsibility to take care of the household and Jimin's needs etc.

Jungkook is sitting in his office room. Jimin and Taehyung are sitting across from him and discussing their lives.

"So Jungkook are you okay now," Jimin asked.

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine."

"That's really great you are fine. But don't stress yourself about work we both can handle it. You don't overdo yourself huh." Taehyung said while face to Jimin to confirm it. "Yes."

"I really appreciate your efforts and you guys are worried about me."

"What about you and your husband how are you guys doing huh?"

"We're working out well and will be fine in the future."

"I'm glad to find out you are commencing to realize your feelings and you can give a chance to your marriage to make it work."

"Just leave it and tell me about how was your honeymoon do you guys enjoy your honeymoon phase."

"Yes, we really enjoyed we didn't want to come back but our honeymoon phase is over so we have to come back and get back to our work."

"Yeah, so where do you guys visit?"

"We visit many places like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum and Parc Astérix, etc."


SeokJin and Yoongi are in the cafeteria sitting across from each other. Having lunch together eating shrimp, scampi, raeymon and soup.

"What about you SeokJin huh? How's your husband's condition now?" He takes a bite of his scampi.

"He's feeling well and today he also go to his work."

"I'm glad he's alright."

"Yeah I was intimidated when he got an accident but he's fine now."

"But what about your divorce decision have you talked to him."

"I have but then he get an accident after that I didn't have a chance to chat to him."

"When you talk to him how was his response?"

"I didn't expect it that he'll react like I said something literally awful and he even ask me to convey him another chance."

"What about you? what do you want?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I require some time to process everything that is ensuing in my life."

"Yes, I can discern your situation it's not some lenient decision to make."

"Yes, I have to clear my heart to accept him like before."

"Yes, but you have to discuss to him and explain him to recognize you and your feelings. It's not easy to hold your feelings all time."

"Exactly that's what I want to commend but I don't have an exact time to talk to him."


"What about Hoseok and you?"

"You know what he conceded to start our family."

"That's actually good news."


"Yoongi I don't know how I thank you, you are really my best friend you always give me a decent opinion when I need someone you're always there for me."

"Oh certainly! you're flattering me now. I'm pleased if I can support you in any way."

"Oh we talked too much already now finish your food or it's getting cold."


They both finished their lunch and walked to their perspective rooms to complete their work for today. Because SeokJin has to go back home before because he has to prepare dinner for the night.

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