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For the entire two weeks we've been here, I haven't stepped foot out of the basement.

Not until today.

I stare at my cracked reflection, seeing pieces of my face and body scattered in every tiny triangle.

My bruised legs are covered in thick dark tights, the white shirt and dark blue blazer covering my upper body with their long sleeves as a black and navy tartan skirt bangs loosely off my hips, falling just above my knees.

My hair falls in dark ringlets down my back, a little tangled but I tried to pull the matts apart as best I could. My face has less colouring than it typically would, no cuts or bruises in sight, all hidden beneath my new clothes. Maybe my father knew it would raise questions and that's why he focused his hits to my tummy instead.

I'm starting school today.

I'm nervous, so nervous that my palms are a big sweaty puddle and my kind is on overdrive. I can't help but overthink everything, every little detail, every little conversation I may or may not have.

What if I don't make friends? What if no one likes me? What if I stutter? What if I have a panic attack and everyone looks at me like I'm some kind of freak? What if I get bullied? Would the bullies beat me too?

So many what if's that I'm starting to hyperventilate, my breaths are coming out in short pants, and the tie around my neck feels more and more like a nouse.

Breathe, inhale, exhale. Breathe.

I can do this.

I've wanted this for so long. I need to focus on the positives and stop getting lost in my head.

Everything could be fine.

I could make friends, I could have a life, I-


My overthinking is cut short by Jack calling for me from upstairs.

I head towards the stairs. No tuning back now, I can do this, I can be strong, I can-



I grab my things and rush upstairs, trying to be as cautious as I can as not to hurt myself. A fall mixed with the bruises I already have could cripple me right now.

Jack is waiting for me by the doorway, he doesn't look at me, head tilted down as he focuses on tying his shoes. He doesn't seem nervous at all. If anything, he's the picture of pure calmness.

What am I thinking? Of course Jack isn't nervous, he has no reason to be. He's been to school before, he's had friends, at least one that I know of. I used to hear them taking back in San Diego.

But... this is a new school for him, so why isn't he just a little nervous?

Maybe I should ask him for some tips... then again he hates me so that might not be the best idea.

"Hello? Earth to Lily." His fingers are clicking in front of my face. I blink and stare up at him. "Come on, I was calling you for ages."

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