F O R T Y - F O U R

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t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v

"Lil, look over there."

Lily turned at Leo's voice, gasping as she seen the large fun fair. She'd never been to a fun fair before— the Ferris wheel was lit up, the fluorescent lights cascading on the sides of the buildings as the twins slowly made their way towards the fair.

"Should we go Leo? I though we were going to the diner to wait?" Lily wanted nothing more than to go to the fair, but she also wanted to find her brothers.

Even if they had been the ones not to wait for them.

"Listen, it's not our fault those idiots left us. I say, we have some fun. Let's have some twin bonding, I want to spend time with you." Leo did, he truly wanted nothing more than to have some quality time with his twin sister, even though his head wasn't in the right place— he still needed her to know how much she meant to him.

"Fine, but we can't go for long." Lily voiced, her azure eyes filed with excitement.

Leo grinned, a smile so large it showed his full set of white teeth and for once, as Lily looked at her twin— she seen a twinkle in his pale blue eyes. Her heart filled with warmth at the sight of her brother being genuinely happy, in that moment, she didn't care that they'd got lost in New York City, she didn't care that her 'overprotective' brothers hadn't realised they'd left them behind . In that moment, all Lily cared about was Leo.

"C'mon then lets go." Leo stated, grabbing Lily's hand in his own before running towards the fun fair.


As they reached the gates, Leo pulled his black leather wallet from the pocket of his dark grey jeans, handing the ticket booth worker some money in exchange for tickets. He only had twenty dollars in his pocket and the fair didn't accept a card, apart from the food stalls.

"Where to first m'lady." Leo bowed, extending his hand towards the scene before them.

"Oh kind sir" Lily giggled as she curtsied at her twin, jointing him in his theatrics. "How bout the Ferris wheel?"

"Lil, it's an unspoken rule that the Ferris wheel is the last ride you go on, not the first!" Leo all but gasped as he placed a hand over his heart mockingly.

"Oh I'm so sorry" Lily's voice filled with sarcasm as she rolled her eyes at her twin, causing Leo to fold his arms over his chest, whilst raising an eyebrow at her.

"Jeez lil, I'm so glad you're finally coming out of your shell. I love the sarcastic side of you!"

"Did you not love me before hand?" She replied, her tone filled with mock sadness as she turned to her twin with her signature puppy dog eyes.

"Don't even look at me like that." Leo laughed as he playfully pushed his twin.

"So if we can't go on the Ferris wheel till last, what do you recommend fratello?" Lily asked as she pushed her twin in return.

"Let's go on a rollercoaster, then we'll get some cotton candy, then we'll go on the sling shot, then we'll get a hotdog, then I'll win you a teddy bear, then another rollercoaster, and if there's nothing else that interests us after that, we'll go to the Ferris wheel." Leo released a breath as he finished his long planned list.

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