T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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"Mr Lombardi, Leo is awake."

The brothers jumped to their feet upon hearing Dr Owens words. Zac was first to approach the middle aged doctor, anxiety coursing through him as he thought of the chat he would need to have with the twelve year old.

"Is he okay?" Zac asked.

"Yes and no." Dr Owens sighed. His words causing each brother to tense. "He's physically fine. Mentally, no. I'd like to keep him in for observation just for the next 24 hours."

"What do you mean?" Callan asked, his tone clipped. His patience wearing thin, he never understood why doctors wouldn't just speak. This felt like a game of twenty questions.

"His oxygen levels are back at a normal rate and the sedative relaxed him, as did the antidepressants. But, he won't speak. I've tried to ask him questions, he's unresponsive. I think he's having a mental battle at the moment. Our councillor is going to have a chat with him tomorrow afternoon. "

"Can we see him?" Killian asked softly. He needed to see his little brother, it had now been seven hours since his panic attack. Seven hours since he'd seen him.

"Yes, you can all go see him. Please bare in mind his mental state, don't be disheartened if he doesn't respond. I'm hoping his mind is just taking sometime to get used to the medication, that would explain the lack of speech." Dr Owens responded.

"You didn't tell me this was a side effect of the antidepressants." Zac stated, his tone accusing as he stared at the doctor in front of him. Zac couldn't understand, why hadn't Dr Owens discussed this previously with him?

"I'm deeply sorry Mr Lombardi, my mistake. The antidepressants have a fair amount of side effects. Especially Leo's medication due to the high dosage." Dr Owens felt shame. He didn't realise he had yet to discuss this with the boys guardian. He himself felt overwhelmed, this had been the most exhausting and mentally challenging shift he'd ever worked. "Would you like to discuss them now? Before you visit Leo."

"Yes." Each brother said, almost in unison.

"Firstly, the antidepressants should help Leo feel more himself, but it may take a while for him to adjust. The downfall to the treatment is that sometimes they can make the patient feel worse before they feel better."  Dr Owens began. "The worst side effects are as follows; feeling agitated, shaky or anxious, insomnia, dizziness, loss of appetite and suicidal thoughts. Prolonged use can sometimes lead to anger and violence issues."

"Zac, what the fuck! Why did you agree to put Leo on this shit." Carter fumed, kicking himself off the wall he had been leaning against, as Callan nodding his head in agreement balling his hands into fists.

Zac was shocked by Dr Owens words. Had he have known the extreme side effects, he may not have agreed so suddenly. Zac only heard the good aspects of the drug. In that moment, his mind was overwhelmed with worry for Leo, Lily and Jack that he hadn't thought to ask the bad side effects.

Zac sat back down in his seat, his elbows perched on his knees as he hung his head in his hands. The feeling of failure washing over him once again.

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