F I F T Y - T H R E E

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t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v


  "Milo, how much longer."  Lily huffed, blowing her — now flushed cheeks out. Her big blue eyes darting around the tree filled forrest, the sky above them was dull, small drops of sleet departing from the clouds, the sticks and leaves crunching beneath their small feet.

  "Not long." He mumbled in response, shaking his his head to rid of the water drops, focusing his gaze on his best friend. His eyebrows furrowing as he took in Leo's expression.

  "You've been saying that for an hour."

  Emilio laughed, turning his gaze to the small brunette. "We've only been walking for fifteen minutes, Lil."

  "Oh." She flushed. "Well, I'm still in recovery, it feels like so much longer... plus my feet hurt!" Her soft voice coming out as a whine.

  "We're almost there, I promise."

  Thirty minutes and a piggy back ride later, the trio arrived at a large oak tree. A small flimsy rope ladder coating the side of it, the once white rope now dirt stained and moss covered; showcasing just how long it had been there.

  "What is this?" Lily asked, staring at the ladder; which in her opinion looked more like a death trap than fun.

  "The treehouse." Leo answered, speaking for the first time since they'd left the Lombardi residence. A ghost of a smile playing at his lips; his eyes lit up in nostalgia. He turned to Emilio, staring at his best friend with a look of appreciation. "You brought us to the treehouse."

  "Of course, our favourite place. Remember?" Em replied, nudging shoulders with his best friend whilst smiling at Leo's expression before turning to Lily. "Leo and I came here a lot when we were younger. If either of us were upset, this was our sanctuary."

  Lily stared at the tree, lifting her gaze to the branches above; and there it was. Poking out from the frost covered leaves, a small wooden trap door, two small gaps in the wood where the rope ladder hung from.

  "Up we go." Em cheered, pulling the wet ropes from the oak bark, placing one foot onto the first pane of old wood. "Be careful climbing, it's a bit slippy."

  Emilio climbed the ladder, reaching the top he pushed the small trap door open, entering the tree house. Once he'd climbed in, he wiped his now dirty hands on his jeans, picking his head out the square cut out, focusing his eyes on his two friends.

  "C'mon slow coaches, what are you waiting for."

  Leo gestured for Lily to go first, keeping his eyes set on his twin, making sure to stand directly beneath her incase she fell, her cast covered arm doing her no favours. Once Lily reached the top, he then gripped the rope between his cold fingers, and pulled himself up, his converse squelched as they sank into the snow covered wood.

  "Wow, this is beautiful." Lily whispered in awe, her azure eyes darting around; taking everything in.

  The tree house was small but cosy. The wooden walls filled with Leo's artwork, plus photographs of young Emilio and Leo, each wearing a childlike grin in every picture. There was a small couch resting in the corner, two large black bean bags situated at either side, battery operated fairy lights clung to the ceiling, reaching every corner of the small hut.

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