S I X T Y - F I V E

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— trigger warning —
mentions of abuse, violence, and sexual assault (rape)


t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v

The court room was silent as everyone waited for the accused to be brought in. Lily could feel her palms slick with sweat, her breathing somewhat uneven as she willed herself to stay calm. She'd told Jack she'd try, this was only the beginning and yet, she wanted nothing more than to run; to exit the court room and just disappear.

A hand squeezing hers tightly brought Lily back to reality. Leo was staring at her, worry evident in his eyes, as his fingers interlocked with her own.

"I'm here, we're all here, you're okay Lil. After today, everything will be okay." He whispered, providing a sense of comfort to his twin.

"M'scared." She mumbled in return, her voice coming out as a fear-filled whimper.

"I know, I wish there was something I could do so you didn't have to go through this." He sadly responded, knowing there was nothing he could say to take away her anguish.

"Just... don't let go." She tightened her fingers around his.



"Jack, this is a stupid question... are you okay?" Alex hesitantly asked, he could see the inner turmoil in Jack's eyes, he didn't know what to do, what to say.

The blonde boy merely nodded, the lump in his throat was making it hard for him to swallow, let alone form a sarcastic comment in response, like he usually would when it came to Alex' stupid questions.

Jack couldn't focus on that right now, he couldn't breathe. The phantom hands gripping his nape becoming almost unbearable, droplets of sweat glistened on his forehead, his nails digging into his palms; creating those familiar crescent moon shaped scars. His legs were trembling, the nerves — the fear taking over. He couldn't see them again, he couldn't do this. He'd tried so hard to be strong, to be brave, to be the fighter Callan told him he was, but right now— all he felt was weak, pathetic, worthless. By the end of today, everyone would know just how damaged and broken he truly was.

Everyone would know without his consent; another choice would be taken from him. He tried to tell himself he should be used to this by now, he should be used to people making choices for him, doing things that he didn't want to do, sharing things he didn't want to share; it's been that way all his life, so why would today be any different?

The door to the right of the court room opened, the two figures, the two newest Lombardi siblings dreaded to see coming into view. They were dressed in orange jumpsuits, cuffs latched to their wrists, reaching to their ankles. Jack locked eyes with the man that was meant to be his father, a chill shooting down his spine at the look on his face.

As Henry took a seat beside his lawyer and his wife, he sent his son a sickening smirk, his evil amber eyes were dancing with amusement as he took in Jack's terror filled face. In Henry's eyes; Jack was a traitor. He cared more for Lily than what he did of his own family, he cared more for the bitch that took his daughter away. Henry felt no guilt for any of his actions over the years, in his mind, Jack deserved it — all of it. He never wanted another child, Jack was needed to save Jenna, he was needed, never wanted. As for Lily, he wished he'd killed her.

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