S E V E N T Y - N I N E

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trigger warning
mentions of abuse.

t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v

"No, no, no," Aaron mumbled over and over as he paced the length of Zac's office. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He would've noticed if someone had been hurting his brother, wouldn't he?

Aaron thought he was quite observant when it came to Rafe. He didn't believe that, Rafe, his brother, his baby brother, had been abused. It wasn't possible, it couldn't be true.

Aaron would've noticed.

Sofia was feeling dazed; almost as though she were dreaming. Though the dream itself was more of a nightmare. She'd always been suspicious when it came to the bruises on Rafe's skin. She'd even questioned him on it, many of times. It had gotten to the point that the bruises looked so bad, she confided in her parents regarding these worries. Of course, Sofia's parents told her there was nothing to worry about. They'd said her younger brother was merely a trouble maker, whom enjoyed getting himself into fights.

Why didn't she question it more?

Now, hearing the word, abuse, caused a twang of guilt in Sofia's chest. Deep down, she knew something wasn't adding up. Rafe always appeared with fresh bruises, every other day. No one could possibly be in that many fights, and surely Sofia would've heard of her brother being involved in such thing. Considering they both attended the same school — Aaron included. Nothing was making sense right now.

"This can't be true." Aaron said, "I would know... if someone was harming my brother... I would know."

"Aaron," Grey approached the boy, placing a hesitant hand on his shoulder. "The bruises..."

Aaron shook off Grey's hand, "The bruises are from a fight. Beck gets into a lot of fights. That's it, nothing more."

"They're not from a fight, Aaron." Sofia mumbled softly. All eyes now snapping to her.

"What?" Aaron frowned, "what the fuck do you know Sof?"

"I don't know anything more than you do!" She replied, hurt by the accusation in her brothers tone. "Think about it, Aaron. Mom and dad, they said Beck got the bruises from fighting at school, right?"

Aarons frown deepened, "yeah?"

"But... I've never seen any cuts or bruising on his knuckles. Have you?"

Aaron thought for a moment before slowly shaking his head. Of all the times he'd seen his little brother with blemished skin... which was a lot more than he'd have liked — he'd prefer Beck to never be injured — his hands were always clean, unscathed. 

"Not only that, how could he be getting into fights without us noticing? Word of a fight spreads around the school constantly, I've never heard Beck's name. Have you?"

"No..." Never.

"So, where the hell are these 'fights' taking place?"

Aaron ran a hand down his face, his blue eyes never leaving Sofia's green. "Could he... is he being bullied? Is someone beating him up after school? Someone stronger, someone he can't fight back?" he thought a-loud. Turning his gaze to Zac, "do you know? The person who's abusing my brother... do you know who?"

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