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Waving goodbye to my brother after exiting his car, I quickly rush off to find my friends.

I'm buzzing with excitement that my feet move quicker than every, so much so that I almost trip at least three times. Don't get me wrong, I'm nervous as heck, but I also can't wait.

I can't wait to finally have one night of freedom. To live the life that normal kids do daily. Live life for me. For fun. For everything I've never had before.

Tonight, I'll get to watch football instead of hearing it on the television like I do whenever my father is home. I'll get to hang out with friends, laugh with them, cheer our other friends on when they win. Optimistic, I know. But I don't doubt that the boys will do well.

Tonight, I'll simply live.

And for that, excitement beats away the nerves.

If I get caught, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I won't let anyone or anything ruin my one and only chance of experiencing a childhood I've already missed so much of.

In the midst of manoeuvring my way throw the crowds of rowdy teens, I hear my name being called. I prop myself on my tippy toes and scan the area, finding Leo waving his hand by the entrance of the football field.

I rush to him, quickly engulfed in his warm arms as he bear hugs me to near death. My curls hit his face, but I don't think he minds. I melt in to him, breathing a deep breath that almost smells like home. He's calming and quiet and kind, so different from the other friends I've gotten to know, but yet, I feel closer to him than anyone else.

"Lil," he breathes, hugging me tighter before releasing me. "I'm so happy you're here."

Despite his arms being gone from me, the warmth of his words feel like a second hug.

I smile up at him. "Me too."

We head inside towards the bleachers, spotting Maya and Bella in the middle row. After what feels like a decade, we finally manage to squeeze past the crowds and reach our friends.

I give Maya and Bella a hug, while Leo offers them each a wave before we take our seats beside them. I notice Maya has Atlas' jersey on, and Bella is wearing Luke's. It reminds me of the jersey in my backpack. Quickly, I open my bag and pull out Emilio's jersey, removing my old, large denim jacket that's well past it's day, replacing it with his navy jersey.

Leo let's out a laugh as the jersey swallows me whole. Emilio is bigger than me, taller, broader. I no doubt look ridiculous, but I couldn't care less. It's so cosy. Leo reached over and turns up the sleeves, setting my hands free as the jersey drifts down over my thighs.

"You look so adorable," Leo cooes, and my cheeks flush.

"Sh, it's starting soon." I wave him off and narrow my eyes playfully as the girls laugh at his comment.

I take everything in as the girls chat between themselves, occasionally including myself and Leo any chance they got. Maya, of course, brings up The Vampire Diaries again, and I can't help but get a little giddy at the fact I can actually join in with her this time. I've only seen the first three episodes, but that's okay, turns out Maya can talk about those for years on end too.

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