T H I R T Y - T W O

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"I think you might want to sit down."

Zac stumbled back into his seat, his palms beginning to sweat as every possible scenario flooded through his mind. He was terrified, he knew this was beyond serious. Just by the doctors sympathetic tone and the sheer pain shining in his beryl eyes.

Grey was tense. As a social worker he'd sat in this very room with doctors, many a times as they told CPS about children going through abuse. He knew what was about to come, but never could he imagine the unspeakable terrors the two unconscious children had went through.

Callan and Carter were silent. Their hands clenched into firsts, they didn't know what to expect. Carter could feel his blood begin to boil as the words repeated in his mind. Not the only injuries. He had seen the bruises and blood when they arrived at the Adam's residence hours ago. Could that have been what the doctor had meant?

Dr Owens cleared his throat. He, himself was struggling to keep his emotions in check. This was one of the worst cases of child abuse he had ever seen. His stomach churned as he took in the anxious looks of the four boys in front of him.

"Both of the children have multiple injuries. Obviously the ones received tonight, but that's not even the half of it. Some of these injuries are years old."

Years? Callan couldn't believe his ears. They had gone through years of this torcher? His chest constricted in pain as he thought about his baby sister and his new found, best friend.

"I'll start off with Lily's injuries before discussing Jack."

The boys gave Dr Owens a weak nod indicating for him to continue. They felt sick.

"Lily has multiple scars and unhealed injuries. Her arm was broken tonight but that's not the first time it's been broken. The X-ray has shown that her arm was previously broken, what looks to be around two years ago. We've inserted a metal rod to set the previous break and placed a cast on her arm. She has scars on her back-" Dr Owens paused, taking a deep breath to compose himself as he continued. "These scars were caused by a whip."

"W-what" Grey stuttered. It wasn't a question, no. It was disbelief. She had been whipped. Grey's lip began to tremble, as a sob found it's way from his mouth.

The two youngest boys in the room were frozen. Their eyes glazed as the tears began to constrict their vision.

Zac felt numb, he turned to his brothers. Taking in their broken appearance as he began to speak.

"I think you guys should go and wait with the boys in the waiting area."

"No Zac, we're staying." Callan stated firmly, he was not letting his oldest brother listen to this alone.

Grey and Carter nodded along with Callan's words causing Zac to sigh.

Zac turned to Dr Owens sending him a meek nod indicating for him to continue.

"Some of the lashes are fresh, only a few days old. Others go back months, maybe even years. She also has second degree burns along her torso. Two of her ribs are broken, the rest are badly bruised. There's um words." Dr Owens runs his hand down his face as he clenches his jaw, he was angry, disgusted.

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