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The sound of sirens could be heard as blue flashes shone through the windows of the Adam's residence.

The paramedics began rushing through the front door along with four police officers. The police officers had their guns drawn pointing to the teenagers in the room.

Carter stood from his kneeling position between Jack and Lily. His hands raised in surrender to assure them, he was no threat.

He began explaining to two of the officers what had happened, whilst the other two officers cuffed Mr Adams- whom Callan had pinned to the ground since the Lombardi brothers arrived. Mrs Adams still lay unconscious on the floor, no paramedics tended to her- more focused on the two kids bleeding out on the oak wood floors.

Leo stayed hunched over Lily's badly bleeding figure. His hands never once leaving the gunshot wounds on her torso and thigh. As the paramedics approached and tried to remove his grip- he refused.

He couldn't let go, how could he? How could he not have listened to his gut. He knew something was off, he could feel it. Call it twin telepathy if you must- but he couldn't shake the worry he had felt all day. He told them- his brothers. He told them something was wrong, but no one listened. They all repeated to him everything was fine, not to worry. But they were wrong. He couldn't help but blame them. Them along with himself.

Ace lifted Leo's blood covered body from Lily to allow the paramedics to do their job. He knew how his brother was feeling. He felt it to. Guilt ate away at him as he recalled Leo's concern in the parking lot after school. Why didn't he listen?

Leo thrashed in Ace's hold. His emotions taking over, emotions he didn't know how to cope with. He knew the paramedics had to help Lily but he didn't want to let her go.

Alex's was trembling, fear taking over his features as he stared at the paramedics whilst they worked on saving Jack and Lily. He wasn't fully aware of what was happening, he felt dazed. He wished this was all some horrible nightmare, that he would wake up and everything would be just a dream. A horrible dream.

If only.

The twins didn't know what to do. Killian was in tears staring at his friend and little sister. Kaden, doing his best to comfort his twin. Even though he- to felt close to breaking down, but he couldn't, he had to be strong. For his twin, for his siblings, for his friend.

Callan was angry. He wanted to kill the man who put hands on two children, who shot two children. His brain couldn't comprehend how anyone could do such a thing. His mind was full as he recalled every interaction he witnessed between Jack and Lily. The dread in Jack's eyes when Lily told him she had detention. The argument they shared in the parking lot that day after school. The way Lily flinched from unexpected touch. He questioned it all. But the one thing that plagued his mind was- why didn't he question it then.

As Carter finished speaking to the police, his gaze turned to Ace, who was struggling to keep an angered Leo in his hold. He moved towards his two younger brothers taking Leo's face in his large palms. His heart clenched as he noticed helplessness shining through Leo's azure eyes.

"Leo, I need you to calm down."

Leo looked at his brother in disbelieve. Calm down? How could he be calm when he could loose his sister. Again. How could he be calm whilst looking at her crimson stained body. Both of their crimson stained bodies. Carter noticed Leo's change in attitude at his words, a heavy sigh falling from his lips as he stared into his youngest brothers eyes.

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