E I G H T Y - F O U R

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I never thought I'd see the day where Emilio looked like he could murder someone — that someone being Atlas. Emilio's hands were clenched into tight fists, his tanned face now sporting a bright shade of red as he stared at the blonde — whether that be from embarrassment or anger... I'm not sure.

Probably both...

Atlas stared sheepishly at Emilio, half hiding his body behind his older brother, his ring classed hands gently gripping onto the end of Elliots sleeve.

"I... um, I'm sorry?"

"You're sorry?" Emilio scoffed at our friend. "Seriously! Sorry?"

Atlas frowned, "Um... yeah?"

"You have a crush on Killian?" Ace grinned playfully at Emilio, "Or is it Leo?"

"Piss off." Em snarled, though it lacked malice.

"No, no, Em, c'mon we're all dying to know." Kaden nudged his shoulder lightly.

"I don't have a crush on either of them." Em huffed.

"Well... you told Maya it was Killian but now I think it could be Leo."

"Atlas, I fucking swear—"

"I think I ship you and Leo more than you and Killian..." Atlas nodded slowly, "yeah, yeah I do."

"Me too!" I agreed with a grin, only to stop at the heated glare Emilio threw my way.


"Okay, enough!" Callan cut in, wrapping an arm around a fuming Em. "Leave him alone."

"Thanks Cal." Emilio smiled tightly at my older brother.

"So is Leo gay?" Killian asked, a light blush coating his cheeks.

"That's no ones business bar Leo's." Emilio said, looking anywhere bar Kill's face. "Atlas should've never said anything." He narrowed his eyes at said boy.

"I said sorry!" Atlas held his hands up in surrender.

"You said it and then kept talking." I pointed out to him. "Kinda defeats the purpose."

"What can I say... I like gossip, it's not my fault!" Atlas pouted.

I shook my head at him in amusement, "Leo's going to kill you..."

"No he won't." Atlas scoffed, "Leo loves me."

Emilio snorted, "Sure he does."

"I've been looking for you guys everywhere!" Luke panted as he came toward us, "Where's Le?" He asked, his eyes searching for him.

"He went to look for Em, then Em showed up here." I told him.

"Okay, I'll text him." he nodded pulling his phone from his pant pocket. "We going to our lockers before the bell rings?"

Atlas, Em and I nodded at Luke, after saying a quick goodbye to the boys, we made our way towards the lockers in hopes of finding our last three friends.

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