F I F T Y - S E V E N

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J a c k

Court case.

   As soon as those two words left Zac's mouth; I froze. I lifted my gaze to search out Lily's, her once white cheeks now sickly pale, tears pooling in her cerulean eyes. When will we ever get a fucking break?

   I don't want to go to court. I don't want to see them. I don't want to retell my story again in front of strangers. I've not fully recovered from giving a statement to one detective, let alone; a judge, a jury, spectators. I don't think I can do that. I can't do that.

   "No." I replied to Zac's exclaim. "I'm not doing it." I told him, my eyes glaring at the fluffy rug in the centre of the living room floor. When they called us to the living room for a chat, this is the last thing that was on my mind.

   "Jack." Grey says my name so softly, but I don't lift my gaze. "Bambino, we don't have a choice in this."

   "I'm sick of this, I'm so fucking sick of everything. My whole life I've never had a choice! I gave up blood, organs, bone marrow, to save my selfish bitch of a sister, which
I didn't get a choice in! Then I had to live though daily fucking beatings, or watch Lily getting tortured, again no choice. Then he... I can't do this. When will I ever get to choose what I want to do?" As I ended my rant, I could feel their eyes staring at me. I didn't lift my gaze, I knew what emotion would be in their eyes and I didn't want it.

"Jack," Callan called me, I ignored him, wiping the liquid from my eyes.

"Fuck this and keep your fucking pity, I don't need it." I scoffed, standing from the couch and making my way out of the room.

I really need a smoke.

I made my way to Alex's room, apparently my room and Lily's would be completed by tomorrow. I didn't mind sharing, I think I preferred it rather to being on my own. I opened the door to the bedroom, stubbornly slamming it behind me, petty I know. I raided through the wooden drawers at the side of the king size bed, cursing repeatedly as I threw Alex's socks on the floor.

"Gotcha." I grinned, taking the small metal tin in my shaky hand before making my way to the window. Alex and I usually climb to the roof when we want to smoke, sometimes Carter will join us. I pulled myself out of the window, using the metal pipe that ran down the side of the house to pull myself to the roof.

I lay back on the cold tiles, staring at the many stars that lined the night sky. I pulled the joint from the metal tin, taking the lighter in my free hand, lighting the tip of the twisted paper, inhaling the drug.

   I stopped doing hard drugs, but I couldn't stop myself from smoking weed, it calms me. After a few puffs, I could feel my anxiety slowly fading. I sighed, watching as the cloud of smoke surrounded the air around me, using my hand I swirled it around watching the shapes dissolve to nothing.

I heard a light thud then a body plopped down beside me. I didn't need to look, I knew who it was. Silently I moved my hand, passing the joint to Alex, who took it without question.

"It's cold." He mumbled, exhaling the smoke.

"No one asked you to be here." I told him, snatching the joint from his hand.

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