S E V E N T Y - E I G H T

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trigger warning— drugs, mature scenes.
t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v

Leo was stunned as Marco's lips latched to his, he didn't know what to do. The only person he'd ever kissed was Emilio and even then, that wasn't full on making out. Plus, the twice that he'd kissed his best friend, they'd always gave each other consent before hand.

Marco didn't ask.

The older boy grabbed the back of Leo's neck, deepening the kiss. The action causing Leo to jump back in a state of panic. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea.

"Marco what the hell!?" He said, bringing a shaky hand to his — now, swollen lips.

"What?" Marco shrugged, "I'm trying to help you Little L."

"I don't know if this is going to help." Leo admitted, turning his gaze to the grass. He felt embarrassed, which was rare feeling for him.

"You don't know if it's going to help, or you don't know because you're scared?"

"... Both."

Marco smiled softly, taking Leo's hand in his, he pulled the younger boy from the swing set. "Have you ever kissed anyone?"

Leo nodded, "Yeah, not full on though."

"Do you want to try again? I don't care that you're not experienced Leo. I just want to help you."

"I don't know." He mumbled softly. Did he want to try again? He wasn't sure. Marco was his friend, they'd grown quite close, but Marco was a lot older than Leo and had much more experience than he did.

"That's okay, think about it." Marco smiled, lacing his fingers through Leo's. "Let's go somewhere."

Leo didn't protest as Marco dragged him by the hand towards the exit of the park. To caught up in his thoughts to form a response.

They continued walking for ten minutes before coming to a stop in front of a two story house.

"Who's house is this?" The younger asked as he gazed at the house.

It was nice, homely even, Leo thought. The house was white, surrounded by small vines of ivy. The front garden was no where near as large as Leo's, but that didn't take away its beauty. It was well-kept, filled with many different flowers and small trees. Leo was sure his mom would've appreciated it.


"Oh okay... why are we here?"

"I thought we could sit in my room instead of the park," Marco shrugged, "It's cold."

"... Okay." He frowned lightly.

Marco laughed, "Calm down L, I'm not gonna do anything you don't want to do. Trust me."

"I trust like three people Marco. Asking me to trust you, won't make me trust you. It has to be earned."

"I get it," Marco held up his hands in mock surrender. "Just come in Leo, we can watch a movie and have a smoke."

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